꧁𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛꧂

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   "𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙖 𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙮𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙤𝙢, 𝙣𝙤!"

Bakugo slammed the door open the next morning, leaning on the doorframe and tapping his foot. "Hurry up. I don't have all damn day."

  "Alright, alright." You huffed, walking past him. He caught up to you, walking on your left. You hummed as you walked down the halls, glancing around. "So where do you usually encounter Midoriya?"

  "Up ahead." Bakugo grunted, his fists clenched. You looked over at him, already seeing his anger rise. You tapped his shoulder, making him twitch.

  "No interactions. Got it?" You whispered, gazing into his red eyes. He averted his gaze from you, scoffing.

  "Yeah, yeah." Bakugo grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets. You smiled and turned your attention back in front of you. A familiar bush of green hair came into your view, and you quickly switched to Bakugo's other side. Midoriya turned around when he heard your footsteps approach, and he smiled.

"Hello, L/N! Hello, Kacchan!"

You smiled politely at Midoriya, tapping Bakugo's shoulder to signal him to walk faster. You could hear him breathing heavily, obviously struggling not to say anything. You whipped your head to the side to look at him. A vein was popping from his forehead, his face was slightly red with anger, and his teeth were gritted tightly. Your eyes widened and you turned your head to look back at Midoriya, who was now staring at the two of you with a confused expression on his face. You gave him a quick smile and sped up your pace, grabbing Bakugo by the arm and pushing him inside his classroom.

  "You did it!" You exclaimed, eyes sparkling as you looked at him. Bakugo let out a loud, growling exhale and sat down in his seat, slinging an arm around the back of his chair.

  "Fucking hell, that was hard." He growled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

  "Just breathe, Bakugo, you did great." You said softly, grinning from ear to ear. White daises bloomed from your hair, and you couldn't contain how overjoyed you were. Your first quest to get Bakugo better was a success, even if it was a bit of a struggle. Bakugo grunted in response, slightly calmer.

"Yeah. I guess so."


Bakugo came into the counseling office a little less harshly this time, not slamming the door closed after he stormed in. He plopped down into the chair in front of you as he tossed his notepad onto your desk, making you look up from your phone and shut it off. You smiled at him, pushing your H/C hair out of your face.

"Didn't even notice you come in, you were so quiet! So how'd things go today?"

"I yelled at Deku again." Bakugo mumbled, fists clenched. Your eyes widened and you leaned forward in your seat, eyebrows furrowed.

  "Why? You were doing so good earlier!"

  "The fucking nerd wrote some weird analysis shit about me in his shitty notebook, so I told him to fuck off and stop being a creepy, useless piece of shit." Bakugo growled, running a hand through his spiky blond hair in frustration. "Happened a little while ago, actually."

  You sighed, pulling the yellow notepad in front of you towards you and starting to read it.

'I feel like shit. Fuck Deku, and fuck this stupid shit.'

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, pushing the stack of paper back to Bakugo's side of the desk.

  "Well, I can't really tell Midoriya what he can and can't do, but if it makes you uncomfortable just come out and say it! I'm sure he'll stop if you tell him politely!" You said in a reassuring tone, but Bakugo merely snorted at this.

  "Yeah, right, like I'd ever treat that damn nerd with respect."

  "I'm not saying you have to be friendly with him or anything, just try to be civil with him so he'll leave you alone." You sighed, leaning your face on your hand. Bakugo grunted, looking at a certificate on the wall. You stared at him for a moment, before something clicked in your mind.

  "Bakugo, do you have an inferiority complex when it comes to Midoriya?"

  Bakugo choked on air, eye wide with shock as he looked at you.


  "Well, you're showing some signs of it. Is there some quality that Midoriya has that you don't?"

  "I'm ten times better than shitty Deku! I'll never feel like I'm less than him!" Bakugo snapped, his voice slightly faltering. You raised a brow, taking out your notepad.

  "Bakugo, we'll never make progress and get you out of anger management if you don't start to open up about your feelings. Now be honest, what is it about Midoriya that you envy?"

  Bakugo clenched his jaw, balling up his fists. He kept his mouth shut, having a silent stare-down with you. After a while, he finally relented, letting out a frustrated growl.

  "Dammit, it's everything! He can make friends so fucking easily, while everyone thinks I'm a fucking asshole. He's getting stronger, while I'm staying exactly the same as I was before. He gets all the praise and attention from everybody, and I get my ass yelled at because apparently I'm a weak idiot. I fucking hate the fact that I can't move past him, no matter what I do!"

  Your hands worked quickly as you scribbled a summary on your notepad, listening to Bakugo's rant. You felt so bad for him. You honestly didn't think he was bad, he just had a harsh personality. He breathed heavily, his face red from both embarrassment and anger. With a flick of your wrist, you finished writing. You set the pen down on the desk and looked up at Bakugo, crossing one leg over the other.

  "Well, I wanna say a couple of things. I don't think you're an asshole, Bakugo, I just think you're misunderstood. And I consider you a friend already, so you're making progress." You said genuinely, looking Bakugo straight in the eyes. His eyes widened, and he looked taken aback. You continued. "You're not weak or an idiot, from what I've heard, you're a top student and you're one of the strongest in the third year. You're moving forward, Bakugo, just slowly."

  Bakugo turned pink, averting his eyes from you and clicking his tongue. It was silent. After a while, he glanced back at you, eyes hopeful even thought his face was a little sour. "You really mean that?"

  Your E/C eyes softened, and you nodded without hesitation. "Absolutely. Therapists are supposed to give it to you straight, and that's what I'm doing."

  Bakugo hummed lowly, seemingly much calmer, but still embarrassed. "Mm. Can I go now?"

You glanced at the clock on the wall, waving your hand dismissively. "Yeah, for sure."

You looked down at the notes you took as Bakugo left, smiling softly.

'Inferiority complex to classmate. Slowly starting to open up. He's doing really well so far! Progress: successful :)'

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