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Asher's bitch: you whore

Jaeden's wife: 😌💅🏻

Whore for Johnny: okay who changed my name again

Jaeden's wife: not me

Whore for Johnny: Karen

Asher's bitch: HAHAHAH

Asher's bitch: chillin in me box 📦

Whore for Johnny: HAHAHA

Jaeden's wife: STOP LMAO

Asher's bitch: omg so guess what

Jaeden's wife: I'm eating so I might reply late

Asher's bitch: ok

Whore for Johnny: what is it?

Asher's bitch: so asher posted on twitter that he wants to on tour again this summer.

Asher's bitch: and I'm like gOnna cry. I told my mom about it, and she's like we will see. So if I get to see him, we're all going. Also I heard he's taking Johnny and jack with, so hehehe.

Whore for Johnny: omg if Johnny is going I'm going 😍

Asher's bitch: omg not the emoji please

Whore for Johnny: HAHAHA

Jaeden's wife: if jack brings jaeden ima die

Asher's bitch: bruh imagine

Asher's bitch: this is gonna be the best summer yet

Asher's bitch: ima try and get vip, so we can meet him after. But like I'm excited, I'm like shaking.

Whore for Johnny: if he brings JYATT 😍😍😍

Asher's bitch: stop with the emojis

Whore for Johnny: no

Whore for Johnny: if he doesn't see you and be like, omg she's perfect and start dating you. I'm disowning his as a person.

Asher's bitch: JSIDJSJ STOP

Jaeden's wife: I'm back.

Jaeden's wife: my mom would never let me go. But tbh I can make up a lie

Asher's bitch: we can just say you're sleeping over at my house 😳

Asher's bitch: what bout you francis

Whore for Johnny: might use the same lie. Cause what if I ask and be like can I go and she says no. Then all of a sudden I wanna sleep over at your house?

Asher's bitch: okay, well let me know. And we have a long time, like he didn't even announce it yet.

Asher's bitch: I got to go, my mom wants me to clean my room. Ttyl xx

Jaeden's wife: byee love ya

Whore for Johnny: I love you guys too 🥺 bye.

Read by Jaeden's wife and Asher's bitch.

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