"Let's just say I find a kind of beauty in those who defy even what would seem to be inevitable. I am intrigued to see how someone like you can maintain your integrity in such a complex world. It would be a pleasure to get to know you better," he turned around, one hand in his pants pocket and the other holding his book against his chest.

"I see."

"Fascinating," he shook his head.


"The fact that you don't care at all about my opinion, and that you are only focused on your goals."

"That's true."

"Your determined, self-reliant approach is refreshing. I'm surrounded by people who call themselves virtuous and honest, but wouldn't hesitate to act dishonestly if they had complete impunity," his amber eyes narrowed.

Touma let his words settle for a moment before responding, his gaze direct and defiant.

"Isn't it paradoxical that, in defying and rejecting the system, you seek recognition and notoriety? After all, aren't you looking for your rebellion to be noticed and appreciated by others? Isn't that, in a way, a desire for validation within the very system that you despise? I simply choose to follow my path, with no need for recognition or approval. Who, then, is the true rebel here?"

"My quest is not for recognition or notoriety. I'm not looking for applause or validation. What interests me is to awaken the essence of humanity, to stir the stagnant waters of complacency and conformity. I want to inspire individuals to question and challenge the world of their own free will and see if they really have value.

"While it may seem contradictory to challenge the system while coexisting in its shadow, my intention is to destabilize its foundation, not win its favor. You and I share a quest for autonomy, but our routes differ. I choose confrontation with the very rules that crush individual will. Who is the true rebel? That is a question only time and actions will answer. However, there is something else I want to ask you."

"Go ahead," nodded Touma.

He headed for a couch in front of him, and sat down on it, crossing one leg over the other and resting the book on his thigh.

"For the first time, I hear you openly admitting the immorality of your actions. What has prompted this new perspective?" he asked, causing Touma to frown and fall silent. "You said you don't care how the system interprets your actions and yet..."

"It must have been a student of mine," Touma blurted out, raising an eyebrow. "You remind me of her. But she's not like us. She possesses a rare strength, like those fragile plants that defy the odds and bloom in the face of adversity. It's a strength I admire and respect, even if it differs from my own pursuits. But all men can be crushed, their ambitions thwarted."

"Is she the one who made you question your own beliefs and values?"

"I've never been so aware of them before," Touma's expression hardened in a deep voice. "I just want her to understand..."

"In the midst of immorality, you also seek to act as a moral guide for someone. Perhaps, someday, I will discover what really drives you. Your purpose. Can I give you some advice?"

"Of course."

"One can guide people, but the path they take may differ from the one we initially expected them to take. You may not be able to guide her along the path you set out for her, and she may even try to influence or betray you."

"She wants me to betray myself. I forgive her that influence."

"Didn't you say the same thing about your sister? If past behavior is a precursor to future actions..."

Psycho Pass: Redemption (UPDATING)Where stories live. Discover now