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I walked into the class and knew right away that something was wrong.

My friends were  huddled together and whispering to themselves. I walked over to them.

"Hey Debbie, " Bibianna screamed unnecessarily "Have you heard? "

"Heard what? "

"Sch.. sch.. school's going to be c...  closed from M.. M.. Monday, " Joy responded.

"Wow, why? " I asked although I already knew the answer.

"Duh because of the virus, " Vanessa answered "I'm going to lock myself indoors till the end"

"What if it doesn't end? " Bibianna asked skeptically.

"D.. don't t..t.. talk like that! " Joy hissed, eyes wide.

"Don't worry, " I sat down and swung my bag onto the table "We'll be done with all these soon enough"


Nothing much was done for the rest of the day. Even the librarian was absent.

As the library prefect, students came to plead with me to open the library. I sent them all away. This is not the time for books.

Some students were having panic attacks. Most of those ones were the final year students. Guess their exams would have to be postponed.

As the final bell rang, I packed all my books into my bag. Some would have to be carried in my hand.

As I waited for my classmates, I looked around. Wondering when I'll step into the school again. I sighed. We might be back next week after all.


"Deborah, come to the living room"

I looked up from my bed to see my father. He was leaning against the door.

"We want to tell you something " He turned and left.

Dragging myself up, I yawned and managed to make myself follow him.
My parents were already seated when I got there, so I sat down in the couch opposite them.

"Deborah, " My mother started, "Your daddy will be taking you over to grandpa's place on Thursday"

"Why? " I shook my head, "I want to stay here"

"I don't want you to be at risk, " My dad spoke up. He was a doctor and his services were being employed in treating the infected.

"But what about you? " I frowned, "You would be at risk too"

"Yes but its my duty"

"Forget duty daddy! " I glared at him, "You can't just put your life at risk. If there is even a risk.  I suggest we all stay here and stock up on food for a year"

"No we can't do that, its very inconsiderate of you to say that Deborah. You better start packing"

I stood up and stormed out sulking. True, I was probably spoilt but couldn't they indulge me this time? I locked myself in my room, planning to reject all food until they see reason.


For the first time my parents were unwavering in their decision and I had finally given in to hunger and eaten. I had also agreed to go to my granddad's place.

The day I was to leave, I tidied my room and made sure to turn off my lights.

My father  was the one taking me. As we drove off, I stared at the receding outline of our house.

The day before, Joy had asked me if I was scared of death. "I don't know " I had answered truthfully.

It was like I was numb to the idea of death. Whenever I thought of it, my brain just filed it away. I still didn't know if I understood what was going on.

I wondered what would happen to the homeless. I slept off.


When I woke up, we had gotten to our destination. I smoothened my dress and combed my hair back with my fingers, then got down from the car.

I knew I was going to enjoy my stay there. My grandad was a nice man. I greeted him and bid my father  goodbye.

My grandad had a dog I loved. He was a little toy poodle that was very smart. He jumped on me - well on my leg since he was too small to jump higher.

I laughed and lifted him up, entering my room and jumping on the bed. This was going to be a long stay.


"Grandpa I want to go out" it had been two weeks and I was sorely in need of entertainment. Unfortunately, my grandad was the only one to receive my disturbance.

"Deborah go read a book. Leave me alone" he groaned.

"Please let's go out. I swear I'll never disturb you again, ever"

"Okay we'll drive to the mall. Go get ready"

I squealed in excitement - much like a pig - and ran to get my sandals.

We drove out to get ice cream and milk. When we got to the first mall, there was a long queue there. They were only allowing three people to enter at a time.

"Should we wait? " I asked.

"No, I know some other places"

We drove to three other supermarkets  and they were packed with people. We ended up joining a queue and standing for two hours before we entered and got what we wanted.

"Remind me to never go out again" I joked when we finally got home

My grandad laughed "That's not possible anyway"

"Its possible for me" I settled down and brought out the ice cream.

"Wait Deborah, you didn't wash your hands"

"I don't need to"

"But you must, you're coming from outside. You've come in contact with a lot of people. You even stayed on a queue"

"So what if I've come in contact with people? " I stood up to wash my hands anyway.

"Well you never know who might be infected"

I scoffed, "Infected? With what? "

"With the virus of course. What do you mean with what? "

"I don't believe it. You can't make me believe in a nonexistent virus! "

"Its real Deborah "

"Yeah right, " I sat  down again, " Why hasn't anyone I know had it yet? "

"Well then you should be grateful that no one you love has it yet. Your father brought you here so you could be safe. Not because he wanted you to be careless"

"Yes of course, I know. Don't worry about me grandpa. I'll be alright"


It has been two months of lockdown. I returned from my granddad's place last month. My parents had missed me and I  had missed them.

My father still treats those infected and everyday he returns, he tells us tales. Some are happy ones, some sad. It turns out that people are recovering, and people are dying.

I don't know when it will end. But I do know that it is real. I wonder what will happen if I were to contract the virus. One thing is certain though; I will fight it.

The end.
1201 words.

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