
"... You like me and I like you. Now what happens." That's one way for me to address the elephant in the room.

"I don't know, I've never got this far with anyone." She said.

Nor have I.

"That's fine, we can venture through it together!" She said.

I was confused. "I didn't say anything."

"Oh, ur um I ur guessed you hadn't either by the lack of a response?"

Ok then.

"We should get out know."


I began to get up but forgot Isadora was still above me.

"Ow," Isadora weakly muttered.

Before it could get even more awkward, I opened the door with my right arm and rolled out. This meant Isadora was forced to roll out as well.

We got up and made our way to the center of the sub library where the open hatch supplied us with light.

I got on the chair, but the ledge of the opening was just out of my reach.

"If you're too short," Isadora started. "There's absolutely no way I'll make it up there."

"How'd you get out of here before then?"

"Next to the rug was a pile of cement blocks. We used those as a ladder when we stacked them but I guess I forgot this time. Sorry about that."

She sheepishly looked away as if a cabinet was her new celebrity crush.

A lightbulb went off in my mind.

"Maybe I could give you a lift and you could then help me up from the top." I said.

She seemed to agree with this plan, most likely since we didn't dream up another. If Violet was here, she would have made a snazzy invention only using the yearbooks to get us to the top.

As Isadora climbed into the chair, I scooted to one side of the chair to make room. She was close to me now. Of course, not as close as we had a been a few moment ago but that wasn't voluntary.

"I'll lift you up on 3, okay?" I asked.


I put my hands around her waist to get ready to lift her.



Right before I said 3, she double blinked her eyes as if to bat away a thought. Why is this important? It could be nothing, or it could be everything.


I swiftly picked her up to the top and she grasped onto the lip of the hatch. She pulled her self up without hesitation.

The reason why I held onto the fact she double blinked is how Violet occasionally does that when she has an invention idea but then thinks it will be unsuccessful. I doubt Isadora was dreaming up an invention, but was there a possibility she was going to do something before the countdown ended? I guess I'll never get know.

Isadora had let out her hand for me to get help to the top.


Erm what do I say next? We were both avoiding speaking about what had just happened. I look around for a conversation starter.

I saw an empty bottle of syrup. I pointed to it.

"Do you see that bottle of syrup?"

She tilted her head to look at me. She look as if I had just asked her to Count Olaf. It was an odd look.

"Yeah? Is your vision getting so bad you can't even clarify of what you're seeing is real or a hallucination?"

I scoffed. I don't believe I was expecting that.

"No, but I was going to say I bet it tastes horrid."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because it's not Aunt Jemima syrup." I smugly said.

"Why is Aunt Jemima syrup so, how do you say it, superior?"

I began my story. "On my first day of school for some year, my mom made pancakes for Violet and- ISADORA! We have to warn the others that Count Olaf is here!"

She gasped.

"What if he already has them!"

We scrambled like eggs to our feet and attempted to get up the stairs as fast as possible in the dark. We practically ran for our lives. But when we finally saw Duncan & Violet unharmed where we had departed each other, we were too out of breath from the sprint of our lives explain.

"Is everything alright?" Duncan asked.

"What happened?" Violet had also chimed in.

Isadora and I were still panting. Once we caught our breaths enough to start spurring it all out, a voice came over the speakers.

"Hello students!" The voice (which belonged to Nero) cheerfully rang out. "We will now have a MANDATORY pep rally to discuss information of our school. I'll see you all in precisely one minute outside."

The dreadful speaker ceased.

"We better hurry if we have to travel outside from where we are." Violet said.

As we had just caught our breath, we would have to run again to the location of the pep rally.

If only we could've known what would await us there.
1888 words

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