🌹twenty six

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y/n was nervous as she
made her way towards
eunji's place. but soon
she found herself in
front of her desk.

"eunji, can we talk?" she asked

the said girl gave her a sad
smile and pulled her outside.

"y/n, i'm so sorry. i tried to
explain but he didn't listen."
she said as they were outside
the class. "he thought i was
the one who send the letters."

she looked at her, confused.
"what do you mean?"

"seungmin actually confessed
to me yesterday," eunji sighed,
making y/n's eyes widened.

"but i kind of.. ask him to wait?
because you told me not to
tell him it was you so i didn't say
right away that i reject him. it
could be suspicious since you
said you love him so much."

at this time y/n didn't know
how to react. she was happy
because eunji didn't betray her.
but what about seungmin?

"but.. he likes you.."

"he doesn't. he probably just
confused with his feelings."
eunji reassured her.

"how about you meet him
and told him the truth?"


✓ giggles • kim seungminTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon