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Captain~ we are here

Elizabeth~ thanks captain

Captain~ are you sure that you want to explore here ??

Elizabeth~ yes ofc there's a lot of mysterious things here

Alex ~ well I think that this place is full of germs

Elizabeth~ do you always have bring the negativity with you? 🙄

Alex~ I'm sorry but it's true

Hiroshima's guard~ sir we spotted two English men in the field

Hiroshima~ are they in the garden

Guard~ yes exploring around

Hiroshima~ bring them to me now

Guard~ yes sir

Hiroshima's mind : hmmm I hope they don't pick the roses

Guard~ we have captured the trespassers

Hiroshima~ hmm remove the blind folds on both of them

Elizabeth~ where are we and who are you ??

Hiro- my name is Hiro and who are you?

Alex~ that's my sister Elizabeth I'm Alex

Hiro- did I ask you ??

Elizabeth~ please excuse my brother he is very overprotective of me

Hiro- it's okay I just don't like it when people speak out of turn

Elizabeth~ I completely understand

Hiro- umm guard please put them in there quarters and have them bathed and dressed in time for dinner

Guard ~ yes sir

~In the quarters~

Maiden~ Hi how are you ??

Elizabeth~ I'm fine thank you

Maiden~ that's wonderful so I am here to help you get ready for the dinner that the king has for you and your brother

Elizabeth~ oh thank you so much

Maiden ( Lili) ~ you are welcome , we haven't had guest here in a while so you are kinda our first

Elizabeth~ wow I never noticed that , how come no one ever comes to visit

Maiden~ because of the king , I mean he's a nice person but ever since his parents died he turned cold hearted but underneath that cold heart is a gentle soul that needs to get out

Elizabeth~ *whispers* I wonder if I can help him

Maiden~ well you are all done and you look gorgeous

Elizabeth~ thanks

~at the dinner table~

Guard~ my king you must calm down they will be here shortly

Hiro- it's the girl I'm worried about what if she doesn't like me or what if I say the wrong thing or speak over her

Guard~ you will be fine I promise straighten up and no slouching

Hiro- okay *takes a deep breath* I got this

Elizabeth- *bows* hello my king

Hiro- 😳 Hi um you look beautiful

Elizabeth~ thank you and you look handsome

Hiro~ thanks *pulls out the seat for her*

Elizabeth ~ thank you

Hiroshima~ you're welcome


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