Chapter 2

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"Happy birthday to me." My best friend, Vivienne sang to herself as she climbed into my car. "I'm finally 17." She hummed quietly and shut the car door. Her auburn hair fell in loose curls little past her shoulders and her emerald green eyes were expertly outlined with black eyeliner.

"Happy birthday, Viv." I said as I handed her a small, wrapped box. She had quite the weak spot for jewelry.

Her eyes brightened as she took the box from me. Violently, she tore into the wrapping paper and opened the box. She gasped and smiled at the thin golden necklace with an emerald tear drop, encased by gold and smaller emeralds. "It's so beautiful!" She exclaimed as she put her arm around me. "Thank you so much, it's the best gift ever!"

"I had to get the best gift for the best friend." I smiled at her before signaling away from the curb. "Those are real emeralds."

"It must have costed so much." She frowned slightly. Holding the necklace a few inches from her nose, she gazed at the necklace lovingly.

"We won't talk prices, Viv." I laughed.

"Rai, you know I don't like when you spend a lot of money on me."

"Oh, hush. You're my best friend," I said, pulling into the school parking lot. "And today is a special day. It was worth every penny it costed, by the way."

She clasped the necklace around her pale neck. "I might not find my mate, either." She rested her fingertips over the teardrop. "Maybe I don't have a mate."

"Don't talk like that." I say, a little harsher than I thought. Vivienne looked down at her hands without a sound. Sighing, I drove up to my usual parking spot and swore under my breath. Sitting in my space was a shiny, black Lamborghini Aventador.

"Woah," Vivienne looked up as we drove by. "That is a nice car. I wonder who's it is."

I do too, I thought to myself as I pulled into an empty parking space. "Something smells good." I said as I climbed out of my BMW.

"Don't be so weird. It smells like school. Weirdo." Vivienne eyed me as if I grew a second tail.

We shut our doors simultaneously and walk to the doors. The scent grew smaller with each step we took. My heart picked up the pace and started to race.

Vivienne stopped walking and grabbed my shoulders. "Hey, are you okay? You look pale. And i mean paler than usual."

"I-I don't know." The scent was everywhere, it enveloped me. I thought I was going to pass out right there in the doorway. "I don't feel good. Maybe I should go home."

"Oh, hell no." She grabbed my wrist and yanked me through the front doors. "Alpha Markus would kill us if we ditched, Rai."

My father called an assembly for the unmated females of the high school. No one knew why, not even me or my brother Luke. Hunter must have known, but he wasn't entitled to say anything about it.

Vivienne pulled me along to the gym where our classmates were sitting on the bleachers, loudly chatting with their friends. She stopped short as we spotted my father and a man. The man was standing with his back to us. He was a little taller than my father, maybe by an inch or two. He had black hair that was just a little too long for a male werewolf. That's when I realized who it was. My legs felt like they had turned to cement.

It was him.

Grabbing Vivienne by the wrist, it was my turn to pull her along. I darted up the bleachers as fast as I could to a corner.

When we sat down, Vivienne eyes me again. "You're acting really weird."

"I'm not acting weird." I whispered. "My father is here." I wanted to tell her about the man--about my visions. But now wasn't the right time or place. Anyone could over hear us. After all, we were in a school that had mostly werewolves for students.

"So?" She gazed down at my father and the man that had now turned around.

His icy blue eyes captured mine. I couldn't move, I was frozen in place. His eyes looked like the ocean covered by frost. They pulled me in as of hidden behind the frosty blue was a siren, promising me a loving death. His eyes flashed black as his wolf peeked through.


She was here. I could smell her. Trying hard to fight my wolf, I focused on Alpha Markus' face. He was talking about finding my mate.

"Do you think she's here?" Markus sounded nervous.

Of course he's nervous. We are here to take one of his female pack members. My wolf growled. She's here and I want her. Now.

I shook my head, cutting the connection between my wolf and I.

"No?" Markus' eyes filled with hope.

"She might be here." I said quietly. Smiling, I twined my fingers together to stop them shaking. Her scent was so strong, so delicious and captivating. I wanted her. My wolf needed her.

Markus cleared his throat. The young wolves started to quiet down. Taking a deep breath, I turned to face the crowd. My eyes automatically spotted a single wolf. Everyone besides her fades away. She was the wolf that ran from Markus' house. She was the wolf with the hair that resembled the moon light. It fell in soft waves to her waist. From where I stood, I could tell she had the most unique eyes ever. They were a silver color with the brightest blue flecks.

A low growl rose from my throat as my wolf fought for dominion over my body. He won for a split second. She's mine.

Markus sat a hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," I blinked and tore my eyes from the silver-eyed wolf--my mate--and faced him. A little irritation swept through me since he didn't call me the king. But I reminded myself I was in a high school where no one needed to know my position. "Who is she?" I pointedly gazed at her.

"Vivienne?" His voice came out tight. "The auburn haired one?"

"No," I answered slowly. "The one sitting next to her." My wolf was howling. I gazed back up to her. She was the most beautiful thing ever. Her cheeks were red now. Her friend, Vivienne, was looking at her, mouth open like she was saying something. The silver eyed girl wasn't listen. Her eyes were locked with mine. "The one with silver and blue eyes."

Markus swallowed hard enough that I could hear it. "M-my daughter."

*Raina's car to the side*
So heyyy.. I hope you lovelies like it.. or even love it. Who knows. Um, like, comment, share.. etc.
If you'd like to, make a cover for this and send it to me!

Next chapter soon!

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