Chapter 9: Invited

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Y/N walking back from a busy of school. It had been four days from when he had defeated Sangeyama. Ryuko had asked him to teach him that move.
He said it wasn't even a move. It's a technique and it took him months of training to perfect it.

Right now, Y/N was back at his no star apartment. He took out his keys and open the door and he walked into the kitchen and there he saw his mother cooking. She noticed her son.

Erza: Hi honey!

Y/N: M-Mother?! What are you doing here?!

Erza: I'd thought I would come by and say hello.

Y/N: I told you I'm doing fine!

Erza: You say that and then don't say anything else.

Y/N: Because nothing happened other than classes.

???: Erza are you finished cooking? I'm starving!

Y/N looked to his right to see a man coming out of the bathroom. Y/N was in the defensive after sensing this person's energy. It was clear he was a demon but he was someone Y/N hadn't seen before.

 It was clear he was a demon but he was someone Y/N hadn't seen before

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Y/N: Who are you?

The man had noticed Y/N and his eyes widened slightly, seeing the sight of him. He retained his composure and smiled at Y/N.

???: You've grown up so much Y/N.

Y/N was ready pull out his Tensa Zangetsu and attack.

Y/N: How do you know my name?

???: Don't you recognize me? It's me! Your Grandfather!

Y/N was caught off by this as he was pulled into a hug.

Y/N: Grandpa Boruta....

Boruta: It's been too long my grandson!

Y/N recollected his thoughts and pulled away from his Grandfather.

Y/N: How are you alive? You died in hell!

Boruta: Ah yes! I did 'die'. But the truth is-

Boruta was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. Y/N walked up to the door and he opened it to see it was Ryuko.

Y/N: Ryuko. I told you there's no training today.

Ryuko: I know that... it's just...

Ryuko rubbed her arm with her hand and she was slightly blushing.

Ryuko: Mako sent me here to ask you if you want to come over to her home for some dinner later this evening.

Y/N: Mako did?

Ryuko: Yeah.

Y/N: Hm....

There was a brief silence between the two until Y/N spoke.

A Demon walking amongst the earth( Male Demon Reader X Kill La Kill)Where stories live. Discover now