"Yeah things change" he looked down then back up at me

"And Monse don't forget these losers" I laughed grabbing her hands.

"Well we gotta go" I sighed and hugged Monse

"Text me at least a day a week" I smiled as she pulled away

"Of course" she smiled back

"Hey Monse your dad is outside" Oscar came in

"Ok bye y/n" she walked out with the boys following

I turned around and did my makeup the best I could.


"Hey you ready?" Oscar and Andrea walked in dressed

"Just need to change" I got up and went to the closet.

"Babe have you seen my white hoodie!" I yelled searching through the closet

"It should be in my dresser!" He yelled back and I went to his dresser and grabbed it. Something caught my eye so I opened it back up. I grabbed the picture and the note I gave him when we first started dating

"Hey did you find it?" Oscar walked in

"You still have this?" I looked at him showing him the picture and note

"Yeah" he hugged me from behind

"I thought you'd throw it away the first time we broke up" he laughed and kissed my shoulder

"Nah. I saved every note you gave me. And I saved that picture. You threw it at me remember" I sighed and nodded

"Why did you save these there so cringy" I laughed reading the note

"That was the only way we communicated. I wasn't gonna throw them away mama" He kissed my neck and grabbed the note and picture from me

"Hurry Andrea wants to go" I laughed and grabbed my jeans. He walked out and I got dressed

"Alright I'm ready" I walked out and saw Andrea and Oscar coloring

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"Alright I'm ready" I walked out and saw Andrea and Oscar coloring

"You took forever mommy" Andrea looked up at me.

"Sorry" I laughed

"Lets goo!" Andrea pulled me to the door

"You heard the boss" Oscar got up and we walked to his car.


"Hey girl" Julianna came up to me

"Hey I didn't know you guys were gonna come" I hugged her

"Yeah we weren't but Alejandro wanted to come he wouldn't stop crying" I laughed

"Hurry mommy" Andrea grabbed mine and Julianna's hand dragging us into fair. We got in and she pulled us to the bumper cars

"Daddy!" She pointed to the bumper cars

"Your really about to go on the bumper cars" Sad eyes laughed. Oscar glared at him making him shut up

"Yeah, that's mi princesa I do anything she wants me to. Unless y/n says it's ok" I smiled and nodded. Sad eyes snorted/laughed

"Sorry. I thought you were the one in charge" he pointed at Oscar

"Yeah I am in most of the things" he picked up Andrea and got in line.

"Arent you going on with Alejandro?" Julianna gave him a look

"Y-yeah of course" he picked up Alejandro and got in line behind Oscar.

"So how are you?" I sighed and sat down on the bench that was next to us

"I feel different. I don't know" I shrugged looking at her

"If you need anything you know im here" she grabbed my hand and held it

"Yeah well I really want the turkey leg" I laughed and got up to get one. I got in line to order.

"Well isn't it y/n" I turned around and saw a familiar face

"Isn't it my childhood bully Roland" I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

"You must be here because your so lonely" he laughed

"Im not here alone. Im here with my daughter" I turned back around furious

"Im guessing her father left you. I mean who wouldn't" he nudged his friend as they laugh

"I didn't leave" Oscar pulled me by my waist and kissed my head.

"Where's Andrea?" I looked up at him

"Her, Sad eyes, Julianna and Alejandro went to the next ride" I nodded and he held me closer to his body

"Andrea? What kinda name is that?" Roland laughed

"Cmon babe lets go" We started walking away 

"There she goes walking away like always. What a pussy" Roland laughed again. Oscar turned around and punched him.

"Oscar baby come on" he turned around and wrapped his arm around my neck and we walked away.

"Julianna texted me asking if Andrea can spend the night" I looked up at Oscar waiting for his response

"Yeah she can but if anything happens to mi princesa-"

"Baby she'll be fine" I texted her back

"Let's go home mi amor" I nodded and we walked to the car.


Spooky's Girl? (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now