chpt 1: eye-catching

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Its no secret that High schools are FILLED with monsters.

People that push in the tuckshop line, People that remind the teacher there was homework, overly social people who don't practice self hygiene, people who don't wear socks with shoes, people who openly pick their noses, seniors who go for girls in year 8/9 posers, weird ass teachers, jocks, preppy bitches.

My schools pretty normal in that it has all that except in some cases these freaks can spit acid with the power to burn through walls and all matters of flesh, or shed a layer of gross slimey skin.

I call them slinks (monsters is a problematic use of wording so I try to avoid it)

Why's my school infested with gross mutant freaks? It could be by pure luck or it could be coz of the copious amounts of florite the liberal governments been pumping into the water supply.

"Excuse me" I pushed through a bunch of girls standing huddled against the wall gossiping about Mark big jock Jacobs' 9 pack abs. I didn't give them a chance to say anything and just shoved through to the wall and begun stappling my flyer.

"What's that?" One of the curious girls from behind me asked. I moved out of the way to show them my beautiful flyer and the background chattering silenced.

The blonde girl standing closest to me fell back against her friend unconscious, her friend struggled to get her unconscious friend off of her and vomited on the floor.

"What the FUCK is that??" One of the horrified girls screamed then began wailing loudly.

"The flyer for my new school club..." I turned to look at the flyer and my hands turned to fists.

It was a full HD closeup picture of a bleeding butt Photoshopped on Ashley Rosedales dead grandma's open casket coffin with the word corn (done with WordArt) plastered across it.

The grandma was photoshopped wearing a socially unacceptable white robe and weirdly also a red snap back.


I slowly inches away from the rapidly expanding crowd of horrified students and hid around the corner behind some bins.

Fucking, Carolinburg. I took my phone out and dialed her number she answered after 1 ring.

"Heyy, how'd it go? :)"

"Don't how'd it go me whore. You're fired, you're a shit friend and a even shitter graphic designer and your sister's hotter than u"

"......You said u needed something eye catching :/"

"Yeah, EYE CATCHING not something that would get me fucking beaten up or shot or worse... expelled" I collapsed against the wall and slid down it dramatically and held my head in my hands "you used ashley Rosedale's grandma's funeral picturesm.. why Carol, why" a few rogue tears escaped my eyes, I made sure to sniffle loudly against the phone so she could know she made me cry and hopefully kill herself from the grief.

"Look I-"

"You ruined everything. I told you to use her grandpa's ones, he died more recently"

I ended the phonecall and stuffed my phone back into my pocket. This isn't who I am >:( I sucked my tears back up into my eyes. I cracked my knuckles, you're a bad bitch, the baddest bitch of them all and don't you ever let yourself forget it.

"Hey" a voice called out to me from behind me, I turned around to see a man of about 40 years of age dressed in all black. He clung to the shadows of the hallway and was definitely very mysterious. He handed me a scrunched up note and sprinted away at high speed down the hallway and into the horizon just as the bell rung for first period.

I opened the note, it read as follows:

Meet me in the girls locker room in 10 minutes, alone.

I shoved the note back in my pocket and smiled :)

Finally, my first recruit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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