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Quick A/N: Thank you very much to everyone who read the 1st chapter, and thank you for the comments it means a lot to hear that people liked the story, so as promised here is the 2nd chapter.

They wake up the next morning with the sound of their alarms going off.

As Matt starts to get up Sylvie grabs his hand and says

"5 more minutes", please.

"Sylvie if we don't get up now we are gonna we late for shift", he says as he notice sylvie's brows frown.

"How about this, you go take a shower while I make breakfast".

"Or... you could just join me", she says

"As much as I want to, you know that if I do then we will definitely be late".

"You are no fun", she says, "fine go make breakfast", she added

"I didn't know that you were this bossy", he says while a smile forms on his face

"This is nothing", Sylvie says as she walks to the bathroom.

After having breakfast they head to the fire house, once they get there, they walk in keeping there distance to not caught anyones attention, Sylvie heads to the common room as Matt heads to the locker room to change and then he makes his way to the common room.

"Captain" Brett says as he enters the room

"Brett"; he responds as he passes her by

"Okey what was that", asked foster

"Nothing", Brett answers

"C'mon Brett since when do you call Casey captain", Stella says

"Well he is the captain isn't he", she says with a bit of irritability in her tone

"Chill girl", it was just a question, Stella says

"Sorry", Brett says , "im just really exhausted"

"Why? Did someone get some action after the wedding", asks foster

"What, no! Im just tired thats it", she says

Truck 81, squad 3, engine 51, ambo 61 house fire on 3rd and roxford

All of them go to the platform to gear up and head to the fire.

As soon as they get back to from the call another one comes in but this time is just for ambo.

Ambo 61 person in distress 6th and main

When they get to the scene there's a man in his 20s laying on the floor next to a syringe, Brett checks for a pulse and foster asks

"Narcan? "

"Yep", brett replies

After they administer the narcan the man gasped for air and puked all over Brett

Great just great she thinks

When they get back, Severide, Stella and Casey are talking next to the truck

She gets out of the ambo heading for the showers when they all look at her and she simply says "don't ask"

"It's one of those days", foster says

After she showers, she makes her way to Casey's quarters she knocks on the door

"Come in"

"Hey, everything okey?" He asks with a concern look

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