After you answered his question he was called by his teammates and left the store. You wanted to talk to him properly but you just can't. You went and paid for the stuffed animal and went home and cuddled the stuffed toy for a long time on your bed. You were not responding to your grandmother's call and when she went to your room your face flushed. She left without a sound and talked to your grandfather.

"Dear, I think Y/N is in love. She looked all flustered up there." Grandmother said.

"I think so too. Ushijima told me he ran into her earlier and since then that kid acts all strange again." Washijou Coach replied.

"Ohh... I see, you said that Ushijima will be with the summer camp until this Friday right?" Grandmother asked.

"Yes, why?" Washijou Coach replied.

"I'll ask her to bring you lunch and she might get her courage built up to talk to him." Grandmother said.

"I see, Okay then I'll give her a little push." Washijou Coach replied with a smile.

The next day came and you don't plan on going out but your grandmother asked you to bring lunch for your grandfather and the others that he invited to help with the summer camp. When you arrive at the gym, they are in the middle of the last set. Your grandfather asked you to prepare the tables at the cafeteria as the match will end soon. You were finished arranging the table when the trainees and some alumni from the school came in to take their lunch break. Coach Saito asked you to get some dessert inside the walk-in fridge. You complied to his request. The desserts are at the highest part again.

"You gotta be kidding me! Everything is at the top part of the shelf!" You exclaimed in frustration.

"Ushijima-san, can you help Y/N reach the shelf? She might fall off if she insists on reaching it." Washijou coach asked.

"I understand." Ushijima replied.

Ushijima went to help you but you are already trying to climb the racks to get the desserts. He rushed towards you as the racks were already swinging. You heard a snap and your feet slipped, you felt that the rack falling and scared as the racks might pin down on you. You closed your eyes and tried to cover your face. When you open your eyes you can see the rack being held by Ushijima by his left hand and the other is wrapped around you. The desserts fell down on both of you. When the coaches heard it they went to check and found Ushijima's hand was bleeding and you were still in shock.

"Are you okay?" Ushijima asked.

"I am but you're not." You replied, worried.

"I'm fine, this is nothing. Don't worry." He replied with a smile.

The trainees and the coaches helped with Ushijima to remove the stand. You felt bad for the desserts being wasted but most of all Ushijima was hurt because of you. You went to the clinic to help Ushijima with the wound. You used your handkerchief to stop the bleeding and make sure that there won't be infections. You treated Ushijima's wound.

"I'm sorry, I hope this doesn't affect your games." You said.

Ushijima nodded and patted your head "It's alright. It is just a cut."

You two headed back to the gym. While walking both of your stomachs rumble as you were not able to eat lunch. You looked at each other and laughed.

"Let's get something to eat before heading back." He said.

"But there is no more food left in the cafeteria." You replied with a sad face.

"Let's get something to eat in the convenience store. There is one nearby." He suggested

You nodded and he led the way. You pick out some bread and a bento box. You found a place to eat under a tree near the gym. You can see Ushijima is struggling with opening the bread. You helped him out with it.He was also struggling with the bento box. You opened it for him but when he tried to use his right hand for the chopsticks, the food fell down.

"Would you like me to feed you instead?" You asked.

"Ahh... I guess I need some help." He replied.

You took the chopsticks and started feeding him. When you look at his face you feel shy and guilty at the same time. He looked back at you with a confused face.

"Are you feeling sick? You are all red." He asked.

"Ehh...Ehh... I'm not sick. I just feel guilty about your hand." You replied looking down.

"You don't need to blame yourself for the accident. If I didn't do that you might be the one injured." He said with a straight look.

"But getting you injured.." You said but

"I don't care if I get injured if it's for your sake." He cut you off.

"My sake? I'll be okay. It's not like I have a lot of responsibilities. While you have games and practices that you might have missed." You replied with a tear in your eye.

He held your hand and said "We never talked like this before and all you want to do is blame yourself for a little cut? I have been watching before but you never talked to me while you got along with everyone. Do you hate me?"

You pulled your hand back and replied with a flushed face "I don't hate you. I just don't know how to approach you. I just don't want to look bad in front of you and I know it's my fault I don't want to weigh you down."

"Weigh me down. I have been trying to approach you before but you always find a reason not to talk to me. All I want is to know you better to understand you." He said.

"Why would you want to know about me? I am nothing. I'm a nobody. It's not like... You can like me. You are this guy that almost everyone looks up to and to be close to you seems to be a dream. I just don't want to look like a fool trying to get your attention or whatever." You replied with tears pouring down your cheeks.

He pulled you close and hugged you.

"Don't cry. I never wanted you to cry. I'm sorry. I just want to know you to be close to you. You don't look like a fool, never. I always sought for your attention. Just a little smile for me not just for the people around us. I always wanted it but you always turn your back on me. Please let me stay beside you." He said.

"I-I just don't know how to approach you and I feel like I don't belong where you are standing. You have the talent and everything that other people want. So am I. I'm sorry I won't run away from you anymore." You replied crying.

Ushijima wiped your tears away and kissed your cheek. Then you guys went back to the gym. Ushijima rested for the rest of the day. He got a call from his Coach and he took a day off for the next following days due to the cut. You still feel guilty but he insists that it is not your fault. The next day you were surprised that he is visiting your house.He wanted to take you out on a date. He brought flowers and was waiting by your door. You went to see a movie and ate lunch at a cafe nearby. Before dusk he walks you home.

"You should have rested today so you can go back to practice as soon as possible." You said with concern.

"I know you are concerned but this is the only time I have to spend with you. I don't want to miss the opportunity. I hoped you had fun today." He replied with a smile.

"I did. I'm happy that I can spend a little time with you. I'll be starting work next week and I need to get things done before I start." You said with a big smile.

"Nehh... Can you stay by my side forever?" He asked while he held your hand.

Your face turned red and the only response you gave was a nod. When you arrived at your door he kissed your forehead and headed home. A week past and you started your work at Schweiden Adlers as their team Physical therapist. Ushijima was happy and at the same time very jealous. The team instantly noticed how Ushijima looks at others when you are checking their condition. He is also possessive with you.

Time passed by fast and it has been 6 months since you were dating and one day he asked Washijou Coach for his blessing which he gave without a doubt. When the Team is having a vacation abroad he proposed to you and you said yes. You still can't believe that your crush will be now your future husband.

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