Double Trouble (Part2)

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Prepare yourself for more smut ^^"


The practice finished later than expected and Atsumu is concerned that Osamu has already closed the store. Atsumu is really hungry after practice and wants to get something to eat before sleeping. He went to the restaurant and was glad that the store is not locked. It means that he could still get something to eat.

He opened the door, to his surprise Osamu is not there and there is a plate with 2 rice balls on the counter side. He closed the door and inspected what might happen. It is highly unlikely that he doesn't finish a meal or a customer would leave with food as it is mostly sold out all the time. He checked the rice pot and saw that it was hot.

"Where can Samu be?" Atsumu said to himself.

Atsumu went into the house and saw that there was another pair of shoes. Familiar but Atsumu didn't know that you were there. From Atsumu's perspective it was ladies shoes knowing it is smaller than Osamu's. Atsumu got a little pissed.

"So, he is trying to get with a woman?... I won't let him get his way... He left the door open without closing the store then leaving food unprepared. Damn you!" Atsumu said while going up to Osamu's room.

While all of this is happening Osamu undresses your top side and continues kissing your neck. He continues to your chest and his hands are slowly sliding to your skirt. He lifts both of your legs carrying you. He smiled at you and you looked away.

"Looks like Sumu is at home. Do you want to finish this quickly?" Osamu asked.

You didn't respond and he carried you to his bed and lay you down. He unzips your skirt when Atsumu bangs on the door loudly. He ignored the first few bangs but Atsumu started shouting.

"Open this up Samu or I'll make sure you won't have rice to cook!" Atsumu shouted.

"Get lost I'm Busy!" Osamu replied.

"Really now!.... How dare you leave food on the counter and not close the store properly! I know you are with a woman right now! Who is it?!" Atsumu shouted again.

"It's none of your business. Get Lost sadistic Fox!" Osamu replied, getting pissed.

"So you won't open up?" Atsumu asked, exerting an aura that goes through the door.

"Maybe you should talk to him?" You suggested.

"Fine, I will since you asked me too. I'll be back so please wait for me." Osamu replied with a smile but pissed with Atsumu.

Before Osamu can get to the door, Atsumu unlocked the door with a duplicate key he had. Osamu never knew that Atsumu has a key to his room. In Atsumu's surprise, he saw Osamu and you beneath him. His face turned from anger to shock to beyond anger like he is gonna kill his brother.

"Why are you on top of Y/N? HUH?!!! YOU BASTARD!" Atsumu exclaimed in anger.

You crawl up to sit while trying to cover your body with Osamu's blanket. Osamu just released a big sigh and looked back at Atsumu with the same weight of stare.

"It's obvious right?! We're busy, do yourself a favor and get out!" Osamu replied clearly pissed.

"Ohhh... So now you're ordering me?" Atsumu sarcastically asked Osamu.

"Did he force you to do this?" Atsumu asked you.

"No, He didn't force at all." You replied nervously.

You know Atsumu has a tendency to be violent and you don't want to cause trouble to them.

"You heard her. Can you leave now? we are in the middle of something here." Osamu replied , still pissed.

Haikyuu x Reader !! One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon