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"You are in luck, Weasleys, just this once I'll let you go." Filch said gruffly, "But Ms. Potter these two are not good company."

"You know, you could have just saved yourself." George said when they were out of the corridor and walked back to the Gryffindor common room. It was Saturday.

"No, I was there, If we were going down, it had to be together," Hazel was now looking at the parchment they had stolen from Filch's office, and she missed the " I told you so" look, Fred shot to George.

"That was amazing,Hazel, how you tricked Filch." Fred said.

"Look at this, Freddie, it worked." Fred, George and Hazel all bent over the parchment.

"Tricked Filch, you say." The parchment displayed a message.

"Padfoot, do you they have earned the right to the map."

"Padfoot..." Hazel repeated. "I have heard this name somewhere."

The map was now displaying another message. "Surely,Prongs, successfully deceiving Filch is not an easy job."

"Prongs... why do these names sound familiar?" Hazel wondered.

The Twins were much excited to pay attention, " So how to we open the map?" Fred asked.

"Shall we, Moony?"

"Go ahead, Wormtail."

"Moony..." Hazel murmured.

They entered the common room as The Fat Lady swooned.

"Say I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."The letter appeared on the parchment.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."" The twins said in unison.

"Messrs, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map."

They each opened the map.

"This is Hogwarts!"

"I can see everyone.!"


"Gotta go Hazel, We have some planning to do." The twins disappeared together.

Hazel looked confused, As she came in,Ron came by her side.

"I am sorry, Hazel."

Hazel looked at him questioningly. She had already forgotten about the the quarrel they had yesterday.

"About yesterday?" Ron reminded her, dreading that she might rub it in his face.

"OHHH... that. It's okay, Ron, Don't worry about it."

Hazel wanted to ask Harry if he remembered the names of the Marauder's as she did, but she didn't get an time free with him till later that night.

"Well, I am going to turn in." Ron yawned.

"Me too," Hermione turned to go.



Ron and Hermione said together.

"I'll be there in a moment." The Potter twins said in unison.

"Harry, i went into Filch's office with Freddie and George today and we found this." She took the paper out from her pocket.

"OH MY GOD, this is amazing." Harry said as she opened the map.

"Hazey, the names, they sound familiar to you?"

"That's what i meant to ask you!"

"They do sound familiar."

Harry and Hazel spend the next hour looking at the map. They tracked so many people, Dumblerdore, Snape, The Weasley twins and suddenly Harry said,

" Who's this? In my dormitory."

Hazel looked at the map, it said "Wormtail," and soon as it had appeared it disappeared,"Peter Pettigrew."

"Peter Pettigrew in your dormitory?"

Harry and Hazel rushed up to the boys dormitory, it was just the first years and no one else.

"That's strange."

Harry spent the next 30 minutes trying to find this Peter Pettigrew but he couldn't. Instead they gave up and went to sleep.

Hazel sat in bed with her wand lit up. She looked at the map, following Pettigrew. She saw him leave the boys dormitory, to the Gryffindor common room, she practically jumped out of bed to have a look at him. She was standing by the common room door, hiding so she could see him.

"Scabbers." She nearly screamed.

She saw Scabbers turn in to a man. A real life man He had a crooked back, short height ed and he looked weak and feeble. She ran back to her dorm room as fast as she could.

Maybe she was hallucinating, she was sleepy or something, the rat turned in to a man. Hazel Potter forgot the wonders of the magical world and fell asleep. The map was still open. It showed Peter Pettigrew going toward the office of Professor Quirell.

"Hello, P...pp p Peter," Professor Quirell stammered." Fancy seeing you tonight,"

"We have to act tomorrow, when they leave for holidays." A voice said.

"Yes, Sir, The Potters nearly got me tonight, Sir,"

"Foolish man." The voice seemed angry.

Quirell removed his ever wrapped purple turban. It revealed another head behind his own.

"Th.. The D daa dark lord.." Quirell stammered more than ever.

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