I'm Sorry (Knife X Mic One Shot)

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A/N: Hey everyone! Writing my first one shot. Enjoy!

It was a lively Saturday evening at Suitcase's birthday party. The whole Inanimate Insanity group was there. "Hey Suitcase! Happy birthday!" Microphone said. "Thanks!" Suitcase responded happily. Suitcase had turned 16 today. "Happy birthday Suitcase," Knife said. "Thank you!" she answered. "Hey Mic," Knife greeted. "Hi Knife," she replied. "Hi Mic!" Soap walked over and greeted her. "Hey Soap!" she answered. Knife walked over to Paper. "Oh, hi Knife!" he said. "Hey Paper," Knife answered. (A/N: Yeah yeah, a bunch of greetings. Let's get on with it!) Microphone was standing near the punch bowl. Trophy was close by talking to Yin-Yang. Or at least, trying to. Knife was still talking to Paper. Soap was talking to Suitcase. Everyone else was enjoying themselves. Everything was going well until a food cart came rolling by, heading straight for Microphone. "Mic, look out!" Trophy yelled as he pushed her out of the way. This really caused a bunch of commotion. Trophy then accidentally landed on top of Microphone. Knife looked over, not knowing what happened, and what he saw outraged him. "TROPHY!" he suddenly yelled. Trophy got up and looked at Knife. "What?" he asked annoyed. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Knife asked, still outraged. "I don't understand," Trophy started. "I don't want to hear your excuses Trophy! You think you're so much better than everyone else, especially me!" Knife continued. "And you!" he said while pointing at Microphone. "Me?! What did I do?!" asked a confused Microphone. "I can't believe you. I can't believe you would actually let that idiot do that!" Knife yelled, still outraged. "Knife, I-" "No. I don't want to hear it. I thought you were smarter than that. I guess you aren't. I thought you were my friend. Just get out of my sight," he finished, still angry about what happened. Microphone just looked at him while her eyes started to water. He's said mean things before to me but he was joking every time. He does that to everyone. But I can tell, he means it, Microphone thought to herself. A tear slowly fell down her face as she ran out of the building. "Trophy, I can't believe you'd do something like that! I thought you loved me," Soap suddenly said, but not as loud as Knife. "Soap, listen. All I was doing was protecting Mic from getting food all over her. We don't have a romantic relationship at all," Trophy explained to Soap. "Oh, really? That's so nice Trophy-Chan!" she replied while giving Trophy a hug. "So, that was all that happened?" asked a confused Knife. "Yeah, you totally just blew it with Mic," Trophy answered. "Wh-What? Who says I like her that way?" Knife asked nervously. "Face it Knife, you love her. And I'm quite sure she loves you too. If you don't make things up now, you'll never be together," Trophy explained. "Oh great...." Knife said. He then ran out the door. When he got outside, he called out, "MIC!" Meanwhile, Mic was standing at the edge of a cliff, watching the sunset. "Why?" she asked herself quietly. A few more tears fell down her face. She suddenly noticed the cliff starting to crack. She screamed as she was about to fall down the cliff. But before she fell, she felt someone grab her, preventing her from falling. She felt herself being set down on the ground. She looked up and noticed that it was Knife. "You okay?" he asked. "Leave me alone Knife," she responded coldly. "Mic, I-" Knife began. "I thought you didn't want to see me. I thought you hated me!" Mic interrupted. "Mic, that's not true. I-" Knife started again. "You think I'm stupid. You think I'm an idiot. You hate me!" she yelled then bursted into tears again. "Mic, please, listen. If you don't want to talk to me again, then don't. But please, at least listen to this." he began. "I didn't know what happened back there. But Trophy explained it all to me. I- I was a fool. I'm the stupid one. I'm the idiot. I'm the one who should be hated. Not you. And, I'm sorry. I really am. You see, I was, well, I was jealous. Trophy always seems to be better than me at everything. Sports, school, popularity". He then paused for a second. "Romance," he continued. Mic finally looked up when he said this. "Romance? What made you think of that?" she asked slowly. "You see, since Trophy has a girlfriend, and I don't, I got really angry when I saw him on you. I didn't know that he was just protecting you. Soap didn't know either at first, but she actually had the patience to listen to Trophy explain. I didn't let you explain and made it worse. I'm really sorry Mic," he finished. "But, why did you act like that? You were way angrier than I thought," Mic asked. "M-Mic, I, um, I really like you. I really do. No, it's not just that. It's, um, OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD I SHOULD JUST ADMIT IT! I LOVE YOU MIC!" Knife answered and then looked away. Mic had a slightly surprised look on her face and then said, "Really?" "Yeah," he answered quietly. Mic then smiled. "Knife, I love you too," she said quietly. He looked at her. "You do?" "Yes, it's why I reacted like that," she replied. He finally smiled. Mic then surprised Knife by giving him a hug. A surprised Knife hugged back. "Mic?" he asked. "Yes?" she answered. Then he kissed her. Her eyes widened in shock but then she closed them. After the kiss, Knife said, "I love you Mic-Mic". She giggled at the nickname and said, "I love you too". She rested her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around her as they watched the sunset together.

A/N: And we've reached the end of this one shot! Did you like it? This idea has been in my head for a while so I finally wrote it into a one shot! R&R, vote, and comment! Thanks for reading!

I'm Sorry (Knife X Mic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora