Darkest Heavens

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The sky was shining like it never did before, it was full of stars fallen of it face, it was like autumn, except that the leafs were glowing.

Another one left the sky, and I don’t need to think of a wish, because I’m wishing the same thing all the time..

I really wish I was someone else..

“ nelly get inside, its getting cold “

“ ok mom, I’m coming “

I took a final look at the magical dust that the star left behind, and got inside with a sigh.

“ can I skip school tomorrow ? “

“ no you can’t, your not skipping school just because the car broke down, you’ll walk “

I sighed again and went to my room, I threw my self on my little bed, trying hopelessly to sleep.

My name is Nelly Stanford, I’m a seventeen years old girl, who lives in small apartment with her single mom in new york.

Its not the “ new york “ you know.. its.. you’ll see what I mean.

After a while, I heard someone nocking on our door, just in time as always.

“ here you go sir “ said mom after she opened up

“ thank you ma’am, that’s what the good citizen should do to live peacefully in this city, isn’t that right ? “

“ of course it is “ and I felt her fake smile from the tone of her voice

“ have a good day ma’am “

“ you too sir “ she said and closed the door

“ ugh ! I hate Sunday night ! “ she hummed while she headed to my room

“ what now ? “ I said

“ I’m sorry nelly.. “ mom apologized

“ It’s ok.. I got used to it, you’re always like this when they come “ I said sadly

“ don’t worry, I promise, one day, life will carry you so high, you wont even remember the days you lived before “ she said while brushing my hair with her warm hands

“I wish you’re right.. “

“ I know I’m right, moms knows it all “ she said while laughing

I looked at her and found her smiling proudly, I don’t know why, but mom doesn’t stop saying that one day I’m gonna be something amazing, and she also doesn’t stop telling me how proud she will always be, no matter what I do.

She left the room and closed the lights, and I stopped feeling anything, and left the dreams take me wherever it wants.

Sun light sneaked throw the curtain’s folds to fall softly on my face in a hopeless try to wake me up, but minutes later mom waked me up because I have to get out of the house early if I’m going to walk to school.

“ be careful sweetie, there’s a lot of bad guys out there “ mom said while I was about to leave

“ I know mom, it's not the first time I walk to school you know “

“ I know it's just .. you know what, I’ll walk you to it “ she said while searching for her hand bag

“ no mom ! it's ok, I know the way “

she sighed “ ok .. just .. watch out, ok ? “

“ ok I promise, see ya “

“ see ya “

Darkest HeavensWhere stories live. Discover now