part 1

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Harry followed behind his aunt and cousin into the classification office. He kept his head hung, just staring at his holy shoes that his 'family' refuse to replace. Harry was short; about 4'11 even though he was 15. He was very skinny and completely hairless apart from the black mop on top of his head. Over the years, Harry's eyesight had gotten a lot better so he only needed to wear his glasses when reading, meaning his emerald green eyes were clearly visible. The trio walked into the building for their appointments.

"Go and sit over there. I don't want to be seen with you." Petunia told Harry, pointing to the opposite side of the waiting room to where Dudley had sat down. Harry obediently nodded and went and sat down in a random seat, not looking at anyone around him or the person he sat down next to. His fingers began twitching from his nervous state and he kept his eyes fixed on his lap.

"Potter?" Harry looked up at the familiar voice. He saw Draco Malfoy sat across from him. Next to Draco was one of his fathers, Lucius. Harry looked to the person next to him and squeaked. Draco's other father (Severus Snape) was sat there. Harry jumped up and faced the trio, well stood facing them but his eyes didn't lift from the ground. His hand was twitching madly now. Severus stood up and advanced towards Harry. He took hold of Harry's hand to stop it from twitching. Harry flinched and looked up at his professor fearfully. 

"Who are you here with Mr.Potter?" Snape asked him.

"M-my Aunt and c-cousin." Harry stuttered. 

"Where are they?" Snape asked. Harry pointed across the waiting room to where his aunt was filling out Dudley's form. Snape began leading him over there but when he saw the tears in Harry's eyes, he stopped.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I-I need to s-stay over here." Harry told him.

"Is that what your aunt told you to do?" Severus guessed. Harry nodded. Snape sighed and lead Harry back over to Lucius and Draco. He sat back down and pulled Harry down into the seat next to him.

"I though you were going to take him back to his family." Lucius stated, looking up from his conversion with Draco.

"His aunt told him he needs to stay over here." Severus told his husband.

"Why? Doesn't she need his signature on the forms?" Lucius questioned.

"The forms!" Harry exclaimed, suddenly remembering that he had to get them and fill them out.

"Your aunt isn't filling them out for you?" Draco asked. Harry shook his head.

"No. Where do I get them from?" He asked Snape.

"I'll get them for you." Severus told him before standing up and getting Harry's form from the front desk and sitting back down. He handed Harry the form and a pen and watched as Harry's brows furrowed as he tried to read the questions.

"Is something wrong?" Lucius asked.

"I-I left my glasses at home. I can't read without them." Harry told them. Lucius stood up and took the form and pen from Harry before sitting down on the other side of him. The first few questions Lucius already knew. General knowledge of the boy who lived such as full name, date of birth, gender, things like that. Then Lucius had to start asking.

"What do you think your classification will be?" He asked.

"I uh, I don't know. I haven't really thought about it." Harry admitted.

"What about dominant?" Harry shook his head.

"No. I know I'm not anything dominant." Harry told him. Lucius nodded.

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