Moving on.. Silently (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Pete, can you hear me kid? Y-You can have all the lab priveleges you want. I'll let you tinker all my suits and even make your own. I'll extend your curfew during patrols. W-We'll go on vacation, just us three. I.. and I can buy you all the Star Wars legos in the world kid. I'll even buy the whole franchise for you! I'll.. I'll give you everything I have, kid. Fuck, I'll even give you my own life but.. but you wouldn't want that would you..

So.. so just listen to your old man. It's Tony, listen to my voice kid. I accepted the role of your overprotective Dad because I wanted to. Because I love you so much, kid. I love you so much, Pete. So much. You'll always.. You'll always be my son."

Tony sobs kissing Peter's cold fingers, and then his forehead longer. Gently combing back his curls.

"Wake up okay? I'll be waiting for you kid."

Tony didn't left Peter's side even when the Doctors he doesn't even know tell him to. He threatened their jobs and even their families just to leave him with his son. Natasha had to take Pepper out of the room too. She wanted to stay as well but with her condition, even she knows that she can't risk her health for the baby's sake. So after a lot of persuasion from Tony and Natasha. Pepper finally went out to eat and rest.

While Tony? He stayed there. Unmoving.

"Tones, eat." Rhodey came handing Tony some cheeseburger knowing Tony had high chance of taking it instead of refusing.

"Pete likes cheeseburgers too." Tony said taking the burger but he just stared at it and then back at Peter's face.

"Yeah.." Rhodey sighs, fixing the blue scrubs over his body. He's not even sure if Tony's allowed to eat there but the man will not go anywhere. He even take bladder breaks in less than a minute before running back to Peter's side. Looking for any movement he can possibly make other than the low rise and fall of the boy's chest.

"I've talked to Bruce. He said Peter's healing factor is doing its job. Knowing that.. he might wake up soon." Tony scoffs. Shaking his head, trying to rid off his headache rather than saying No. Lifting his free hand, he wipes his face, settling on massaging his temple.

"I will only believe that if my son opens his eyes. Being in a coma longer just lowers his chances of ever waking up. I've been counting the hours, minutes.. and every damn second, Rhodey." Tony stares down at his hand holding his son's.

"I know the risks. Even as an enhanced human. The medicine he overdosed with.. is meant for his kind. The effect therefore.. is the same as a normal human. Pete--no.. its me. I got lucky, Rhodey. I was lucky because I got him here as soon as we found out what he did. But if I was..

If only I was earlier. If.. If only I've notice all the signs. If I'd seen it. This.. will never happen."

"Tony. Those 'ifs' cannot be undone. It already happened. We just had to do what we can in the present. For now, what you can do is to eat and sleep. How can you watch Peter if you don't get to rest at all?" Tony shakes his head.

"Bruce will need to move him to another room. They already place an extra bed there for you. So please Tones. I told you. You have to be strong for him. He needs you more than ever so.. you need to replenish." Rhodey squeeze his shoulder. Tony was about to argue again that he will not leave Peter but Bruce came back with Doctors and few nurses.

"Tony, we need to run more tests and we will move him to another room right after. Why don't you eat and sleep while we do that?"


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