First Day of High School

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Hermione groaned as her alarm clock rang. She slapped the top, and got up. When she got down to breakfast, Luna and her mother were already there. "To be honest Luna, I didn't remember anything past my graduation from Hogwarts, until I saw you. You reminded me of... Xenophilius..." "It's alright, Mother. I'm just happy to have you back again. How did you get here, anyway?"

"When the lab exploded, I was thrown into a sort of portal... right after I tried to... Luna, did you try to Apparate? Any of your friends?" They kept talking as Hermione walked in. The table had all sorts of food on it, and Hermione helped herself. "Did you make this yourself, Mrs. Lovegood?" She smiled at Hermione. "Yes, I did. I despise using house elves for simple menial tasks I can do myself. They deserve better."

Just then, Draco came in, and sat down next to Hermione. He also helped himself. "This is really good, Mrs. Lovegood. Can your house-elf owl my mother the recipe?" Luna hid her smile behind her napkin. "Actually Draco, we were just talking about how I don't use house-elves. I think that it isn't fair to them, serving witches and wizards hand and foot." Draco almost challenged her, but a quick glance at Hermione (that only Luna caught) confirmed his suspicions; Luna's mother was Hermione's new hero.

Harry, Ginny, Ron and Neville soon came downstairs, and a livelier conversation was struck up. But soon, it was time for them to go to High School. Luna's mother walked them to the door. "Don't try to Apparate, any of you. Especially you, Luna." Luna nodded, before anyone could ask what she was talking about. They all trudged to the school. Principal Johnson met them at the door. "Ah! There you are! Names, please." They all looked at each other. Muggle names or their real names? "Harry Potter." He said, shrugging. It sounded Muggle enough. "Ron Weasley." He followed suit. "Ginny Weasley." She didn't have to tell Principal Johnson that Ginny was short for Ginevra, not Virginia. "Hermione Granger." Her name just fit into the Muggle category, since there was once a Muggle named Hermione.

"Luna Lovegood." She didn't care if Muggles thought her name was odd. "Draco Malfoy." He said with finalty. If Principal Johnson found their names odd, he didn't say so. "You're all in the same classes, in sophmore year. First class is uh... English! You all ought to do well at that; you're from the UK!" Principal Johnson laughed at his own joke. No one else laughed with him. He led them silently down the hall, to a room which other students were just getting into as well. "Good luck!" he said. They'd need it.

Their English teacher was a woman named Mrs. Bird. She sounded like one too, all fluttery. Hermione and Luna sat up at the front of the class, and Draco sat down next to Hermione. If she noticed this was the second time all morning, she didn't say anything. Harry and Ron sat behind them, Ginny sat next to Harry and Neville sat at the back of the class; trying not to draw any attention to himself. Unforutnately the class bully  saw the three sitting up front and thought, Fresh meat

Draco was lost when Mrs. Bird started talking about some book called Pride and Predjudice, but Hermione started talking about how much she loved Jane Austen, with some input from Luna and Ginny. Mrs. Bird smiled. "I see you haven't read the book, Daniel."
"It's Draco." he muttered. 

Mrs. Bird didn't seem to hear. "That's surprising, given that the author is very famous... but then again, girls are usually more inclined to like it more that boys..." Harry and Ron snickered.

 "Harold, Ronald, please be quiet. I'm trying to tell Darcy here about Austen." All the girls in class burst into giggles, while Harry grinned at the teacher getting Draco's name wrong. Even Mrs. Bird laughed when she realized what she had said. Just then, the bell rang, and they all moved to their next class, Art. Though Mrs. Bird pressed a copy of the book into Draco's hands, and told him to read it, or else. He nodded, and followed the others to art class.

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