My story-Brandon

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  • Dedicated to To all those males and females suffering Anorexia

Hi guys my name is Brandon Fingleburn, I am a 21 year old male battling the eating disorder, Anorexia. My lowest weight was 103 lbs (48 kg). My problem started  in the later stages of  my teenage years. Whilst i was a child i was heavier but then i discovered exercise and eating healthier and thats when it spiraled out of control. I thought to myself the more weight I lost, the better and attractive I looked.  I would stop eating cheese (American Cheese) because i discovered it had 100 grams of fat contained in it. There was a point where i didn't even drink a whole protein shake because it was too much, so then i would have half a spoon of a protein shake and half an apple and consider that dinner. After a while my family,friends and co-workers were seeing how skinny and unhealthy i looked and advised me to get help. So I did…..

I began going to the Eating Disorder at San Antonio or EDCASA.My dad realised that when my family would come over or my mother would cook for me at breakfast and lunch I would say I wasnt hungry and only eat dinner. While i was at the EDCASA, my father visited me and gave me an option. He said that I should actually consider getting better because he could and would do anything to see me get better with him  by my side or he would leave me because i wasn't trying and  he would not see my die. I honestly believe that if i did not seek help i would've died. My Father then became my full motivation.

Whilst in treatment i had to give up my personal routine of the food i ate and change it! I have been in treatment for three months now, I am getting better. The support from my family,friends and church and co-workers has been incredible. I know eat 6-7 times a day  but still battle this disease every single day.I know that i am better and i have improved but there is still a long way to go……….

The Body achieves what the Mind believes.


Hey guys..Sometimes in our lives we all have pain, we all have sorrow but if we are wise we know that there's always tomorrow,you are not alone during your battle! But whilst going through it, remeber to be open about it to your family and friends because no one can fill those of your needs, that you won't let show..Your family and friends are there to support you and help you through it all... and there will always be those haters or those who wont support and thats ok because in the end they lost one great friend and it was there loss, so dont worry about them. Be that person that you want to impress, and strive for progession not perfection!

-Much love guys and Thanks for reading :D :D <3

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