"Look I don't want to rape you, I get too many bitches for that. I just want you to admit you like me" Solo said grabbing my waist.

I snatched away from his embrace and backed up. "I don't want you"

"Then why you blush when I touch you and smile at my smart ass comments. See I think you just like playing hard to get" Solomon was some what right but I'll never admit it.

True, I do like him but no I don't want to fuck with him. I know his kind and he can save it for someone else. All the sexiness in the world couldn't make me leave Teddy. "Like I said the first time I don't want you" I yelled causing him to move out my way.


"Alright Nessa I'm clocking out so today it will just be you and Armani" Morgan said grabbing her purse. Working at Torrids these last few weeks has been pretty fun.

Morgan is real cool and she always got me laughing. She reminds me of the relationship I used to have with Nisha. Speaking of Nisha I haven't not said a word to her since the first day of school and I like it that way. We act like strangers to each other, so fuck her.

"Wait so Armani is closing with me...alone?" I asked walking her to the door. I never really get the chance to work with Armani. They always schedule us at different times so we never actually had a chance to talk. "Yes, you two will be fine. Now I got a hot date to attend to so I'll text you later" she said leaving.

I walked back up to the counter and began to sort some of the returns people brought back. I could feel Armani looking at me which made drop the stack of receipts in my hand. "Shit" I cursed bending over to pick them up.

Armani began to help me pick up some of the receipts and for the first time I got to look at him up close. He looked even more attractive and it seemed like he had no flaws.

"Thank you" I said grabbing the receipts from him. "Your welcome...don't we go to school or something together" he asked scratching his head. "Yeah we do" I answered shocked that he even noticed me in school. 

"Oh alright I know I seen you before but I aint want to look like no lame ass nigga coming up to you" he said laughing. This can't be happening Amani is actually talking to me. "You couldn't be lame ever, I always here all the girls at school talking about you" 

Armani placed his hand over his chest like he was shocked and I started to laugh. "Naw its always some girls in that school talking about me. If they say something bad about me dont believe it" he said seriously. "They never say anything bad about you, just that your cute" I told him. 

"Do you think I'm cute?" he asked and I started to drop receipts all over again. Huh why am I so damn nervous. It's not like he asked me the winning lottery numbers just if he is cute. "Yeah you straight" I said trying to be cool.

"Just straight huh? Not even sexy, not a butter huh?"  he asked. "You aint no damn butter but you kinda cute" I told Armani and he started blushing and dancing. I never thought Amani would be so cool, most guys like him are to in to themselves but he just likes to joke around and laugh. 


"How are you liking our new house little one?" I asked Honesty as she ate her cereal. "It's okay mommy. Do they have water parks here like back home?" 

I looked at my growing baby and smiled. This little girl loves to swim, I know she is going to love the beaches out here. "Yes Honesty they have water parks and beaches so you can swim all day" I said grabbing her bowl from infront of her. "Mommy can both of my daddies come?" I damn near dropped the bowl out of my hands. "What do you mean both of your daddies?"

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