Positions in the Angelic Council

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Hello dear Angels!

If you're here, it means you're considering to join our Angelic Council! Yay! So without further ado, here are the open positions and their names! By the way, positions will be constantly added, so stay tuned!

Just a tip, the 0/0 shows how many positions are filled. And the Word - Word, shows what the position is and what we call it here!

Founders - Halos
❂They will be called this since Halos are above the Angels (not to sound cocky)
❂The Halos are the original founders of this account. Obviously, the position is full.

Ambassadors - Wings
Status: 3/5 HIRING
❂They will be called this since they help carry the community by spreading the word
❂The Wings will help to spread the word of our community through their account and other accounts on Wattpad. They will be told what to advertise about our account, and they'll have to come up with something creative!

Discord Help Monitor - Assistant Angel
Status: 1/1 FULL, NOT HIRING
❂They will be called this because they are big assistants (huge)
❂The Assistant Angels will help with everything Discord related (our communication platform). They are huge assistants and must be good with Discord.

Permanent and Temporary Judges - Harps
Status for permanent judge: 12/12 FULL, NOT HIRING, 36 judges in total
❂They will be called this since harps have many strings and there are many judges.
❂The Harps will be judging the Halo Awards. They have the choice to be permanent (every Award they have to judge) or temporary (just the awards they sign up for) I

Managers - Guardian Angel Status: 4/6 HIRING
❂They will be called this since they watch over everyone like Guardian Angels.
❂The Guardian Angels watch over our Discord account and make sure everyone is following the rules.

Editors - Cherubim
Status: 1/3 HIRING
❂They will be called this since cherubim are very wise like the editors are smart.
❂The Cherubim will edit everything written. That includes chapters of books, announcements, etc.

Graphic Designer - Virtues Status: 5/7 HIRING

❂They will be called this since the Virtues angels represent beauty and graphics are beautiful
❂They will work in our graphics shop and provide graphics for our books

Admin - Archangel
Status: Always changing, but at the moment... FULL, NOT HIRING
❂They will be called this because they represent victory (and the awards are pretty victorious)
❂They will be hosting all the contests and awards we have. They will be constantly changing so if you want to be an admin, just wait for our next contest!
❂The number of admins will also always be changing

Interviewers - Heralds Status: 6/6 FULL, NOT HIRING
❂They will be called this since Heralds are messengers that deliver, and the Interviewers deliver interviews
❂They will be interviewing different authors for our interview book

Writers - Ecanus
Status: 4/5, HIRING
❂They will be called this since Ecanus is the angel of writing! He signifies beauty and grace, exemplifying the art behind writing.
❂The writers will do most of the writing for all sorts of stuff, including things like announcements on our message board, chapters in books, descriptions of book, and so on. You must be very active for this role, since we need stuff to be written all the time.

Participants and Non-Staff Members - Angels (Always, always different)
❂This is because everyone is apart of our angelic family!
❂The Angels will be participants in our awards

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