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Old Man:
Hey? Shouldn't you be in school?

technically yes but i already know this stuff so....

Old Man:
So you chose to text me?

yea my friends r in this class and i dont wanna risk getting them in trouble

wait shit r u at work? am i bothering u? im so sry

Old Man:
Relax, kid. I'm on break right now. And you can text me whenever, my boss won't mind and neither do I.

r u sure? ill feel rly bad if i get u in trouble

Old Man:
I'm sure. What class are you in?


im in chem rn

Nice Old Man:

yea it's less boring than some of my other classes but i learned the stuff a long time ago so i just kinda do nothing

Nice Old Man:
Why don't you just move up a grade?

the school offered but i wanna graduate w my friends ya know?

Nice Old Man:
Makes sense. Hey, won't your teacher notice your phone?

most teachers just let me do whatever but if she does take it, i have karen in my watch

Nice Old Man:

whats ur favorite color?

Nice Old Man:
Uh, red. Yours?

i like red and blue

Nice Old Man:
My boss wants to know where you go to school. Also, who's your favorite Avenger?

i go to midtown in queens NY

tony stark

Nice Old Man:
You mean Iron Man?

no tony stark

he saved my life a few years back and he does his best while ignoring the bs the media says abt him

Nice Old Man:
Saved your life? When?

remember the stark expo in 2010? i was there and this bot tried to kill me

i raised my fake gauntlet bc i was a stupid kid and stark shot the other guy before he could shoot me

Nice Old Man:
Wasn't that technically Iron Man though?


but tony was the one who saw me and cared enough to save me

and it's tony who saw the bad in his company and fixed it, media be damned

and it's tony who puts himself in danger to help others

and yea, iron man is cool but tony's the one inside the suit and he's the one who made it and controls it

ppl give tony a lot of shit and i honestly dont think its fair

the media treats him like he doesnt have feelings when he does

hes just better at hiding them

sry rant over

Nice Old Man:

Damn, kid. I didn't expect that. I see your point though.

sry abt that

i gtg we have to put ot phones away for gym ugh

ttyl bye

Nice Old Man:
No problem, Pete. Have fun in gym. Talk to you later, kid. Bye.

not likely but thx

Peter sighs as he puts his phone in his gym locker and enters the gymnasium with Ned. The pair begin to stretch out together. "You said you had something you wanted to talk about?" Ned probes.

"Oh yeah! I, well Karen, accidently texted this guy named Tony who works at SI and he said he would talk to his boss about getting me a job!" Peter exclaims quietly to avoid drawing attention. Ned gasps and starts to blaze through incomprehensible words at a very high pitch. Peter laughs and shushes him.

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