Chapter 3

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Jin Ling spent his days of being sick in a haze. He'd wake up so disoriented that he couldn't exactly remember what he did, but he knew he needed to get out of here as soon as possible or his uncle would kill him for good.

He'd wake up with his vision so blurry, his eyes burning so hot that he could only make out shapes from what he saw. He vaguely remembered trying to stand up, only to find out his limbs were like jelly and weighed down by the heaviness of his head. His body felt like he was lying down on a furnace, but once in a while he'd felt the coolness of a wet rag on his head and face, making his burning a little bit cooler and better.

Days passed, and he could feel his body feeling so much better. His eyes weren't burning like hot coals, his body cooled down considerably, and he could see much more better. He was quite relieved that it was the girl he dragged that was taking care of him and not some another random person that he didn't know he should trust or not. This girl saved his life, so he thought that he could give him the benefit of doubt. However, that didn't mean he should stay longer than necessary. The moment he knew he could stand up and drag himself out of the cave, he shot up and tried his best with him being fired up by the ultimatum of his uncle punishing him. He got a feeling in his gut that this time, his uncle wouldn't give out empty promises anymore.

When he was at the mouth of the cave, he realized that there was a thin pathway that seemed to be made just recently. He reckoned that it was the doing of the girl, when she made her daily chores. And so, panting heavily, his skin feeling so sticky, his hair greasy, his body felt heavy, he set out to the opposite direction of the pathway.

. . . . . . .

It has been almost a week since Jiang Cheng set out to look for his nephew, Jin Ling. As suppose the Lanling Sect didn't send any letters to prove that the young master was safe, he reckoned that he was lost and not to alarm anyone whoever wanted to hurt his nephew, he didn't bring any bodyguards so that the word wouldn't spread. To provide any protection for him, he used a masking spell to hide his face and sword in hopes that no one recognized him.

But then, after three days of aimlessly roaming the possible places that he could be at, he decided to look in the mountains where they usually hunt. He immediately went back and brought back bodyguards since the mountain was full of monsters.

A few years ago, the monsters roaming the mountains grew increasingly in numbers without any warning. It was never like they experienced before. But of course, they could never hold off the night hunts, but instead they grouped themselves into 50 members for hunting. And when it hit Jiang Cheng that there was a possibility that Jin Ling was lost in the mountains, he knew he had to hurry.

It was almost nighttime when they got into the foot of the mountains. Even if they knew that the mountains were dangerous, they simply couldn't stop searching for the young master. And sure thing, they did find Jin Ling when the moon was nigh and shining brightly. They found him at the fallen log slumped lazily with the seam of his dress quite damp with the dew from the leaves. His face, covered in sweat and dirt, was a mixture of weary and hunger. His sword was at his feet, thrown carelessly. He clutched to his chest, trying to catch his breath.

Hopeless. Utterly hopeless.

A spark of mercy kindled in Jiang Cheng for his nephew, but he was overpowered by his anger because of his nephew's newest episode, he got himself into trouble and utter shame.

Angrily, he trudged his way over to Jin Ling. Upon hearing footsteps, Jin Ling looked up and he saw his end.

His uncle, frowning deeply than usual, fists clenched, looked at Jin Ling, about to burst with anger.

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