part 1

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brookes pov: i am so excited for this weekend because mom is letting nick come over for a sleepover, ever since i was 12 mom hasnt let nick have sleepovers anymore because we are growing up and changing and i guess she thinks that we will do bad stuff, but she is letting him come only because it is josh's birthday and he is bringing his friend mike over and paige invited chloe my mom also told me that i half to invite claudia and maddie so that they make sure that we dont do stuff. For the last few days at dance nick has been looking really attractive......idk id its because he has been dancing with his shirt off or what but have just been wanting to go up to him and give him a great biigg kiss but i think that it would make our friendship awkward if i did that and i would never want to loose nick as a friend considering that we have been bff for 13 years.

*brookes phone vibrates*

i look down at my phone as it reads one new message and i open it and i see that it was from nick and i immediately smile as i read his text.......good morning brookie i cant wait to see you at dance today and then i tomorrow at the sleepover.....i am so happy that our parents will finally let us have sleepovers again....i reply with   i know i am really excited about it but my mom is making me invie claudia and paige had to invite maddie, so we cant swear at all because maddie has a loud ass mouth and she will tell my mom and her mom and kenzie and abby and then i will get yelled by my mom and by abby. probably more than abby than my mom.

 nick: well i am gunna hop in the shower before my sister gets in because i really need and if she gets in before me i will never get to have one before dance. see ya at dance brookie

*after nick said that he was going to get in the shower i thought it would be a nice idea to take a shower as well so i hopped in and washed my face,body,hair and then jumped out and wrapped a towel around me and then walked over to mr dresser and grabbed a tan crop top and matching booty shorts and a pair of tights  and put them on and put on a pair of white shorts on over and a sparkily t shirt. i went infront of my mirror and took my hair up into a french braid from the bottom going halfway up and then i added a bun at the top.i grabbed my phone off of my dresser and my dance bag that has all of my dance shoes and an extra dance outfit just in case.  Iran down the stairs and threw my bag on the counter chair and opened the fridge when i heard my mom honk so i just grabbed a banana and and apple and my bag and made sure that i had my phone and rushed outside so that my mom wouldnt leave me and jumped in the back seat because josh was already in the front. i got to dance about 25 min later and walked in and nick was just sitting on the front bench crying harder than ever....

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