The Flashback pt 1

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(a/n) i apologize for the story being somewhat confusing.

I was walking through the woods with my dog Bao Bao. We were looking for a mythical lake, that only comes out once a year during the summer. I studied the patterns for years and finally figured out where it would appear. We walked out of the woods and there was a giant clearing where the lake sat, there was a heavy fog around it which surprised me. Because there was no rain and perfectly sunny, but when I looked up the sun was gone, but it was still bright. I took off my cape and gloves and set them to the sides. I took the sword off of Bao Bao. And we jumped in. we started splashing each other and laughing when i heard talking off into the distance. I looked to the other side of the lake and saw two other figures. I dived under the water, holding my breath. I swam over to the two. When i got close enough i stood up out of the water and said "hello." There was a tall white cat with battle armor and a smallish silver she cat with blue eyes. she caught my eye and looked away. The tall one came up to me. " hello, i'm flame and this is my sister Twig."But it was Twig i was most interested in. Fue amor a primera vista. I was stunned, the way her silver fur met with the brightness of the sun and the shinning of her bright blue eyes. I knew she wanted me because she was blushing." that's not how it happened." interrupted Twig." I ran up to you and threw you down with a knife to your throat and all you could say was, you're so hot." "ok, don't interrupt. im telling a story. now, where were we. oh yeah." "oh brother." "yeah Twig." "he's giving me this weird look." "I think he likes you." "gross." "anyways sorry about my sister." flame said reaching his hand out for Mao Mao. "no problem." he said brushing himself off."say whats your name." "it's Mao Mao. How did you find this place" "me and my sister have been studying it for years." "hey Mao Mao." "yeah" "your dog is gone." Mao Mao turned around and saw that Bao Bao was missing. he dropped on his knees " now i'm alone again." " nonsense my friend, you can travel with us." "really?" both Twig and Mao Mao said. " of course, we can head out tomorrow. It's starting to get dark." Twig left and sat under a tree followed by Flame then Mao Mao.

Twig woke up seeing Mao Mao sitting up in a tree. He looks so strong she thought  She called for him. "hey Mao Mao. What are you doing up there. afraid of getting your feet wet. or are you wanting to become a Squirrel." "No, just enjoying the nice view. it relaxes me knowing that whatever happens life goes on." Wow Twig thought to herself. why do i feel so strange around him. I can't be in love, I don't need anyone but me and my brother. but he won't be around forever and i'm going to need to settle down sometime. And Mao Mao looks so confident and strong. "whatever, i'm gonna wake up Flame." twig walked over to Flame and shook him." wake up it's time to head out." Flame got up and looked up." how does he do it." "do what." replied Twig. "look at him. the way hes sitting he's a person who can take charge and can hold his own. I wouldn't want to make him my enemy. You should be lucky to have him. "pfff, I don't need anyone." "you'll have to settle down some day and right now Mao Mao seems like the perfect person for you." " i don't even like him." or do i. "anyways we need to head out." hearing that Mao Mao jumped down and landed perfectly on both feet. He walked by Twig grazing  her lower back with his tail. Twig shivered a little and let out a silent moan only Mao Mao was able to hear. "is everything ok." Flame asked. "yeah you feeling ok." said Mao Mao with a sly smile on his face. "yeah i'm fine lets just get out of here." They walked for hours still in the forest. "I think we might be lost." "Nonsense. I know exactly where were going." Flame said calmly. A loud crash startled them and a giant monster came into view. " Twig go and hide." Flame yelled. Twig ran and hid behind a tree. "can she not fight." Mao Mao asked. "she can but hates it. she's never been one too like violence." "so about the monster. i'll go high you go low." Mao Mao said. "yep." replied Flame. Flame ran under the monster jumping from leg to leg and slicing cuts into them. While the monster was distracted Mao Mao jumped into the air landing on its head then jumped again soaring into the air. He came falling down letting gravity do all the work. He stuck his blade out and started spinning. he came down piercing the monsters head and coming out through the under mouth. The monster fell with a loud crash. Flame and Mao Mao grasped hands and flexed their muscles." alright Twig. Let's go." Flame said with pride. Twig got up from her spot and they headed out of the forest.

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