Chapter 4

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Lana’s P.O.V

I got into my car after saying goodbye to Marina and made my way home. I really needed a smoke, but I couldn’t risk doing it at school and getting caught. As soon as I was about two blocks away I lit a cigarette and cruised home. Inhailing and exhailing slowly I started thinking about the day. Marina was on my mind.

To be honest, people weren’t really my thing. I loved being on my own. I had been with a few guys before, but it wasn’t for love. Just for pleasure. Though, I seemed to be giving them a lot more than what they gave me.

I had never been in love with a girl before, and wasn’t even into them. That was before Marina. And you know what? I think I might love her. She was genuinely nice, and I felt a deeply connected to her. I can't explain it, but its like I’ve known her my whole life.

When I arrived home, nobody else was there. As always. I kicked off my shoes and lay down in front of the television. First day back at school and I was already so tired of working! The tv was blabbering some reality trash show, I was about to change the channel when my stomach started making weird noises. “Shut up!” I said. “You don’t need food.” I hadn’t eaten since breakfast this morning because I was trying to lose a few pounds, and because this was only the second day of my fast, my stomach was still adjusting to my eat less diet.

I had just enough time to change the channel to MTV before I heard my phone vibrate, signalling that I had gotten a message. Getting excited, I grabbed my phone I unlocked it, thinking it might be Marina. Oh. It’s just Calvin. As always, he’s wanting to know what Math homework we had. I texted him back, saying that it was only the three sums on page 5. I locked my phone again before setting it back onto the couch. I don’t remember how, but I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to total darkness. Feeling slightly disorientated and groggy I instinctly checked my phone. It makes me quickly close my eyes once again. Fuck the screen is bright! I started to wake up properly and my eyes adjust to the light. It’s 7 already, and I have one new message from an unknown number! It must be Marina!

Feeling excited, I open the text .

Unknown number: Hey babe, it’s me Marina. :)

I quickly saved her number before replying. I was so happy that I was smiling like an idiot.

Elizabeth: Hey Marina. x  How are you?

I decided to take a bath while I waited for her to reply. The house was still completely dark, except for the flicker from the tv. I put on the lounge light to make my big empty house seem less scary. My parents weren’t back yet. They were probably on a business trip somewhere that they had forgotten to tell me about.

I ran the water, put my phone down next to the tub and started undressing. The water was nice and hot, I slipped into it and relaxed. I closed my eyes for a moment, then my phone vibrated.

Marina: I’m good thanks and you love? What you up to? X

Elizabeth: I’m okay. Just taking a bath quick. X

Marina: Wait. Are you taking a bath right now??

I gave out a huge laugh before replying.

Elizabeth: Yeaaaah, I am. Care to join? ;)

Fuck. I hope she doesn’t take it seriously and thinks I’m weird.

Marina: Okay sure babe, be over in a few. What’s your address? x

WHAT. IS SHE SERIOUS?? I knew that I should have told her that I was only joking, but I didn’t. Secretly, I was dying to see what she looked like naked. I asked her if she wanted to sleep over as well, and she said yes.

I was kinda nervous. A few minutes later I heard the front door’s bell ring. She was here.


Sorry for the late publish, but I’ve been out shopping the entire day and only got back now. :) I finally got a copy of Ultraviolence and am extremely happy. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter. X

- Emme Danielle

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