Episode 4- It's not the 'hurt'

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His word was like a shot to her: unexpected. She tried not to meet his gaze as she realized that he was the lad she'd just bumped to. She couldn't handle the sudden approach from him for she knew that she's dealing with a stunning family's son and it made her feel so little, so small.

Jin, in the other hand, watched her with a spiteful face when he heard no reply from his greeting. He tilted his head so he can see her face

' Is hurt a feeling?'

Jisoo was appalled. She feast one's eyes at him; his face was frowned with confusion and he was leaning in front of her so that they were facing each other.                                                                                                                why  he ask me this? Does he know what is hurt?

' Yes perhaps'

He raised one of his eyebrow, stood up then looked at the classroom's clock to check that there's still five minutes before break time is over. Again, he eyed her and continue 

' My dad told me that feeling is in the heart but then, why mine is on my feet?'

Jisoo burst into a laugh. More confused than ever, she couldn't believe a cold person actually has a stupidity

'Hihi-- Maybe it's because your heart is in your feet! hihi.'

She continued giggling that puzzled Seokjin. He didn't know why people laugh or what makes them laugh but there's one thing for sure: he wants to have it, he wants a real laugh.

But alas! He can't feel emotion. He tried extending his lip but still, he could sense the fake of his smile and his tiredness from trying when he knows that it will never work

Give up, he turned back to her,' You ever feel hurt right?'

She felt a bit more comfortable; so she hoped to  act friendly and pretend as if nothing has happened.                                                                      maybe he wasn't so mean

' Nah you?'

' What? You did feel hurt but i say sorry so it heals!' She burst into another chuckle the moment he was accusing her as a liar.

' Hey dumbo, that's not the "hurt"?'

Again, he extended his lip to plaster a smile, a fake smile to grin like her even though he knew it isn't true.

' What's yo-'


The bell rang, it dismiss break time; it dismiss their conversation

'Huh?' Jisoo didn't completely hear what he said before but Seokjin already head out of her class, leaving without a word, without a glance or wihout a ' see you'.

There's no wonder, he doesn't even taste his own heart; how will he taste others?

He knows what is emotion, what are feelings                                                       he knows what is joy, what is anxiety                                                                          and now,                                                                                                                                   he knows what is hurt

It is painful but i would rather feel hurt than feeling nothing at all

The White Butterfly     ~JinsooTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon