8. Nine's #handstandshirtchallenge

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After Nine had stopped his phone from recording, Joong pushed himself off of the wall he was leaning onto. "I still don't understand why you couldn't wear a tank top underneath the shirt" Joong said.

Nine sighed and rolled his eyes, tapping away on his phone to make a tweet. "You, P'Dome, and P'Phoom did it shirtless. If I did it with a tank top on then I would look like a killjoy" he reasoned. Joong huffed, "OUR fans wouldn't mind. They know how possessive I am" he shot back.

Nine gave him an Are-you-serious-right-now look, "Joong..."

Joong continued to frown at him. Nine sighed and wrapped his arms around his lover's waist, "They got to see me topless but they can never touch me" he said with an assuring smile, "You, on the other hand, can do both".

The corner of Joong's lips twitched, "They still saw you half-naked though" he said. To be honest, he was okay now since Nine had pointed out that he still one-up the fans with something. He just wanted to savor the moment.

The fans can look as much as they want, but they can never touch Nine the way he can.

Nine stood on his toes and pressed his lips against Joong's. The kiss lingered for a few seconds before Nine pulled away, "Let's go to bed".

"But I'm not sleepy yet" Joong said.

Nine moved closer to Joong's ear, "I wasn't talking about sleep" he whispered. "I was thinking of letting you do what the fans can never do".

Nine moved away with a mischievous smile and headed for his room, leaving Joong gawking at him.

Gathering back his wits, Joong nearly tripped on his own feet as he ran after Nine, "W-Wait for me!".

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