May 2020

8 2 1


Baby doll tucked under the carpet

Blanket over my face

Wide Awake


Facial Cleanser

"Something smells," he says with a winkle of the nose as he strolls into the room.

Immediately, I try to remember the last time I showered. Tuesday? Monday? Since corona virus, the days have blurred together. I hope it's not me.

"The diaper garbage needs to be emptied." If I say it with enough confidence, maybe it will throw him off the scent.

"It smells like vomit." He enters the kitchen for a snack.

Ouch. I take a few whiffs but can't detect anything. What if I've just gotten used to my own stench?

"Now I smell it in the kitchen," he says.

I relax a little. It's probably just some food that's gotten too ripe or--

 "I think it's my face."

Bedtime reprise

Hold me till I fall asleep

Hold me till my eyes close

Don't you dare lay me down to bed

Screaming, howling, red nosed


A Winding Road In a Perfect Day

Flashing hues of green,

Monoliths bare witness to years unseen,

Lights and darks, leaves and needles

And tangling brush forbids trespassers.

Aqua teals and sky blues,

Sparks shimmer off the crest of each ripple,

Calling me down to the mossy shores.

Light spreads through walled confines,

I expand.

Deep Question?

Can an illogical thought have meaning?


Gasping, giggling, twirling

Lapping, cooling, swirling

Purple lips, shivering body,

Wrapped in a blanket of wetness,

Never wanting to leave.


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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