It didn't matter that it was 8 o'clock there were already cars driving by and people walking on the streets below. Even from the roof I could see the faint noise of car honks and the usual city noise. I start to hum out a tune while tapping my fingers on my bare knee trying to distract myself from the embarrassing moment last night that has plagued by mind since last night.

"You know still kinda annoyed you didn't tell us you could actually sing"

I look over my shoulder to see Alex standing near the door. "So I'm guessing you saw the video" I sigh. She walks over to me and sits down beside me, "I think everyone has. Last I saw it was almost at a million views". I groan and hide my face in my hands, "I didn't know I was being recorded. I didn't want anyone to know". "Well it's out there now. What can you do about it? If you want I can text Taylor and see if she wants to do a collab?" She teases. I shove her shoulder, "Piss off Lex".

We both laugh it off for a minute before we just sat in silence just enjoying the peace for a minute. But Alex decides to break it, "So I talked to Kelley this morning". I let out a frustrated sigh, "Of course you did. What did she say?" She puts her hand on my shoulder, "Nothing bad. She just said she was worried about you. That when she came back into your room she seemed a or flustered to say the least. She was worried you had just been after a panic attack". I lick my lips, "I didn't have a panic attack. I calmed down before it happened". "Well it must have been bad if you almost had a panic attack over it. What happened Ellie?" Alex reasons.

I let out a sigh as I look out over the city drumming my fingers on my knee, "I...I called Christen Mom". Alex just nods, "Well she does act like your mom doesn't she. Tobin too". I run my hand through my hair, "You don't get it". She just shrugs causally, "Then help me get it". I sigh heavily, "It's just Christen and Tobin have been amazing to me. They treat me like family and I couldn't be more thankfully for them. For all you guys". I take another deep breath, "But when I called Christen Mom it felt like I was replacing mom. And no one could replace her but Christen does stuff that reminds me of my mom and I can't help but feel safe and loved. I just freaked off and ran off before we could talk about it and I'm so confused. I just...don't know".

Alex clicks her tongue, "So that's probably why Christen couldn't sit still during breakfast". I sigh as I lean my chin on my knees, "What am I going to do?" Alex throws her arm around me in a side hug, "Look Ellie. I know that no one could replace your parents. But everyone can see how much Christen and Tobin care about you. There's no doubt about it. So whether you call them mom or not that won't change how much they care about you. Hell they have already claimed you as their kid there's no going back now".

I let out a laugh as Alex chuckles beside me and I lean into her side, "Thanks Alex". "No problem kid. I'm always here to talk" Alex smiles. "How did you know I was going to be up here?" I ask. She shrugs, "Even though your always in the spotlight, your more of the quiet type. I thought you would come up here to take a breath and think". I nod and sigh, "I should talk to Christen and Tobin shouldn't I?" She nods, "I think so yeah". I push myself off the ground and Alex gets up beside me. But before I go for the door I quickly hug her, "Thank Alex. I don't know what I would do without you". She smiles and pats my back, "Anytime kid. Now cmon we have a meeting to get to".

We leave the roof walking side by side her arm slung over my shoulders in a side hug. We go straight down to the meeting room and when we walk in I immediately look around for Christen and see she's sitting beside Tobin. Just when I'm about to walk over to her, Jill starts the meeting and I sigh as I let Alex drag me to a seat at the back in between her and Kelley. The meeting was fairly standard just talking about what we were going to work on for this camp and then what our schedule is going to be like for the next few months. "Okay so I think that's everything. Is there any questions?" Jill asks before she ends the meeting. I was waiting for her to just end the meeting but was shocked to see Mal put up her hand in front of me, "Yes Mal?" "Why did you split up Ellie and I?" She pouts and everyone else laughs. "Yeah! I can't believe you split us up and stuck me with squirrel. In a room with one bed!" I exclaim. "Hey!" Kelley says from beside me throwing her arm around me, "I'm not that bad. You love me really". I shrug and smirk, "Your alright. But on the plus side I now have proof that your drool in your sleep". Kelley's eyes widen while everyone else burst out laugh and Jill tries to settle us down. "Okay okay quieten down now" Jill chuckles before looking at Mal, "It was going to happen eventually Mal. Just be happy you don't have to share a bed with Kelley".

The whole room laughs again while Kelley pouts, "I feel attacked". I smile as I hug Kelley, "I still love you squirrel". She smiles and hugs me back, "Love you too baby Koala". "Okay if that is all your free to go dismissed" Jill announces. Everyone gets up and walks out of the room and dispersed. I'm looking around for Christen and Tobin but I can't see them. But I quickly find them when Tobin pats my shoulder, "Wanna come up to our room?" I nod, "Sure".

Tobin walked in between Chris and I hugging both of us as we walk. Eventually we got to their shared room and I sat on one of the bed while the two of them sat across from me. I play with my fingers, "So uh about yesterday...".  "You mean when you called Chris Mom" Tobin smirk. I blush while Christen slaps Tobin's arm, "Uh yeah that". "Why did you run off afterwards?" Christen says softly. I start to play with my fingers again but Christen reaches across and puts her hands on mine stopping them, "I just... panicked". I take a deep breath, "I just got scared after I said it. It slipped out and I wasn't sure how you would react and... I felt like I was betraying my mom". I sniffle as my eyes start to water slightly, "It just feels like I was betraying her by trying to replace her". "Oh sweetie" Christen sighs as she gets up and sits beside me, "I'm sorry I reacted badly. I was just shocked and caught me off guard. And I know I could never replace your mom but I'm glad you think of me as someone to come to if you ever need it. And I don't mind if you call me Mom it's completely up to you. I already see you as a daughter to me anyways".

I smile as I hug Chris tightly, "I love you". She smiles the top of my head and hugs me back, "I love you too Ellie. So so much". After we pull away I jump across to Tobin who was sitting watching us, "I love you too Toby". She laughs as she hugs me back as I sit in her lap, "Love you too Ellie". Christen joins us back on the bed as we all share a big group hug and we stay like that for a bit. "Can I stay with here with you guys tonight?" I ask nuzzling my face into Tobin's shoulder. "Sure!" Christen smiles, "how about a movie night?" I smile, "Yeah I would love that". Christen puts on a movie while Tobin pulls out two packets of Oreo's. "Toby I love you!" I grin as I take one of the packets. "What about me?" Christen teases as she sits down beside me. I kiss her cheek and I cuddle in between them, "Love you too Mom". "And we love you Ellie" Christen whispers before kissing my head. I sat in between the two watching the movie cuddling into Christen while Tobin had her arm stretched behind the two of us.

I smile as I feel Christen card her fingers through my hair and Tobin lets me play with her fingers while letting me eat Oreo's. "Okay I'm cutting you too off" Christen laughs as she takes away the second packet of Oreos from us that was almost empty.

"But Chris!"

"But Mom"

Tobin and I whine in unison and we turn and laugh with each other while Christen rolls her eyes at us but she can't hide the smile on her face, "And I thought I only had one child to deal with". I pout, "Please I'm more mature than Toby anyday". Now it's Tobin's turn to pout, "Hey!". Christen shrugs, "She's not wrong Tobs". Tobin huffs but I hold her hand, "but we still love you". She doesn't say anything but just pulls Christen and I closer to her and we continue watching the movie. Eventually I relax as Christen runs her fingers through my hair which slowly lulls me to sleep leaving me to fall asleep in a Preath hug.

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