Sugawara Koushi{Sick}

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You were lying in bed feeling horrible. Wrapped in a light fluffy blanket shivering from the cold, sniffling dripping mucus coming out of your nose making it hard for you to breathe. You were just now regretting to not bring your umbrella yesterday when you were confident that it wouldn't rain even though the sky looked dark and gray. Leaving you with nothing on you but your bag shielding you from the pouring rain. You came home soaking wet and shaking from the cold with little sneezes coming from your nose.

The next day you called in sick, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell your boyfriend that you were sick because he would insist on taking care of you even if there is a risk of him catching the cold. The excuse that you made up for missing school to suga was you woke up late and you were home alone so no one was there to wake you up. Partially that was true but knowing sugawara he will make sure it is the truth.

"Really F/n?" He asked over the phone.

"Yes koushi, now go to class you'll be late" you answered trying not to sound groggy like there was a frog in your throat.

You told daichi what the real reason you weren't at school and asked him to keep it a secret while suga was told the false information.

He sighed walking in the classroom sitting on his seat propping his hand setting his chin on his palm. Without you there school was pretty boring.

"Hey suga, why so down" daichi said walking up to the setter.

"Y/n is not here 'cause she woke up late and she's home alone" he said

"I thought she said she was sick" after those words left daichi's mouth sugawara instantly stood up and questioned him. Daichi realized what happened and forgot that he wasn't supposed to tell.


After school he went straight to your houses not being bothered to go to practice. On the way he bought some needed supplies and had finally arrived at your house.

You finally had the strength to get up from bed and get to the kitchen to grab some food when you heard the doorbell. You froze for a minute thinking who it was. On the way to the door you fix yourself to make you look a bit less sickly.

You opened the door and as expected it was Suga.

"Hey koushi, what are you doing here?" you managed to say masking the sniffles in your nose.

"Don't try and hide it now F/n, I already know and you're supposed to be in bed" he said sternly

"Whatever are you talking about, I'm fine" as you said that a sneeze came out of your nose.

"You're not fine"he pulled you in and lead you to your room. He pulled you to the bed and tucked you in bed.

"Seriously though I'm fine now, you should go I don't want to get you sick"

"Then who is gonna take care of you, I will be fine F/n, now lay down and I will make some soup" he patted my blanket before leaving the room.

After what feels like hours Suga came into the room with a tray of food. You sat up koushi putting the food on your lap letting you eat. Finishing the soup which was delicious with some tea and drank some medicine.

He stood up and pulled the covers fixating himself under them wrapping his arms around you. "Koushi, you're gonna get sick" you said trying to wiggle out from his grasp. "I'll be fine now get some sleep" you gave in and snuggled against his chest while he drew small circles on your back falling asleep moments later.


Few days later you were feeling better but unfortunately, as you suspected, your dear boyfriend who took care of you when you were sick had gotten sick himself.

"I told you koushi, you're just as stubborn" it was your turn to take care of him knowing you wouldn't get it again, you were at his house while the rest of his family was away and wouldn't come back till late.

You set the tray and went to put the medicine aside on the bedside table. He sat up to eat the soup you had made for him while you tease him on how stubborn he can get.

"Well atleast I get to be taken care of by my beautiful girlfriend" he said teasingly

He finished his food and you took his tray leaving him to take his medicine. You came back seeing as he had lay down on the bed. You kissed his forehead before leaving him to rest when he grabbed your wrist stopping you in your tracks.

"Stay with me?" he asked muffled voice by the blanket that he buried half of his face into.

"Koushi....." You needed to go home and take car of the house while your parents were gone again on a business trip.

"Please?" He rose his head pleading, as he pouted which you hate because that face will always make you give in.

You finally gave in shuffling next to him, his arms wrapped around your waist burying his head into your chest. You softly brush his light silver hair earning little purrs that escaped from his mouth. He loved the way your small fingers that would touch your hair.

He melted in your touch slowly drifting to sleep. A few moments later you had fallen asleep as well.

Just uploaded the prologue for my new book you can find it under my account as well and will be posting chapter one later so hope you would read it.

And as I said in the last chapter I would post on monday and friday 8pm pst, well I decided that I would just randomly post throughout the day cause I am an impatient bitch.

°next up: Kageyama Tobio

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