"I don't know why. It's just easy with her." I feel guilty but Louis places his hands on both sides of my face and shakes his head,

"You don't need to know why. You need to know that you deserve it. You deserve how easy it is and how wonderful it feels."

"When did you get so smart Weasley." I sniff, teary eyed.

"Oh somewhere in the hours between falling in love and having my heartbroken." He laughs deep from his chest. "Don't apologize for how you feel Aiko. And don't think too much about it. If you like Asta, like her and don't think about anything else."

"And you?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'll be your friend. Me, Albus, and Scorpius; you're best mates. It'll be like Albus' grandpa and his mates back in the day." Louis grins mischievously and I leap to hug him.

"You know you're pretty magnificent in your own way." I breathe into the fabric of his robes.

"I mean, duh." He chuckles and rubs my shoulders. "Let's get back to the castle. Professor Fawn will be getting ready to do schedules." I nod and we both hop on Louis' broom to get back to the Great Hall as soon as possible.

When we get to the Great Hall Asta is fortunately still sitting with Albus and Scorpius so I straddle the bench facing her.

"I'm sorry I ran out." She starts to shake her head dismissively but I stop her. "It was beyond rude of me." I lower my voice, a little bit embarrassed. "It's just that not knowing who I am or where I'm going is not who I have been and that's terrifying to me."

"Aiko" Asta breathes, "Thank you. But I like you and I know from experience how scary something like this," she points from me to her and back again, "I know how scary this can be even when it's not all brand new." She looks over to the boys watching us and for the first time I see her getting awkward. "Ummm, we can talk more later." I laugh.

"Of course." I give a shy half smile and she smirks.

"You are effortlessly cute." She comments and I blush wildly. I can feel the heat of my cheeks spread out across my face and down my chest.

"Teach me how to do that." Louis tells Asta and everyone falls out laughing.

When Professor Fawn comes around for scheduling he gets to me with some hesitance. It was earned though. I had been a massive pain in his neck over classes since the beginning of last year when we went over what I wanted to take for my O.W.Ls. Standard procedure was to then wait for which classes I got the best grades in but since I'd done very well in my O.W.Ls Fawn had moaned about me needing to take my summer holiday to think about what I was going to do for my N.E.W.Ts.

Confidently, I told him that I decides to take all my core N.E.W.T classes as well as Care of Magical Creatures and Alchemy. He looked me over curiously and asked if I was sure. I nodded and he produced a schedule for me.

"Be sure to let me know if this becomes too burdensome." Fawn tells me pointedly. "No good ever came from scholarly martyrdom."

I squint trying to process what he's said and look back up at him, "That's factually incorrect professor". He shakes his head and moves on glad, I assume, to be done with me.

"Is your sixth year here meant to kill you?" Asta stares wide-eyed at my schedule as she agreed to go to the same classes.

"Sixth and seventh." Louis confirms. "In fact, I barely made it through. But Albus helped me out."

"No offense Al but how did you help Louis. You're always asking me for help as it is." I ask Albus and he goes guilty faced.

"Well, see." He stares down at the table then looks back and forth between Louis and I. "See when Louis needed help I would tell him I'd help him and then I'd ask you for help."

"So you had me doing yours and Louis' homework?" I ask incredulously and Albus nods slowly. "I hope you like getting through sixth year by yourself." I huff.

"I've got Scorpius." Albus smiles cockily but Scorpius shakes his head.

"Oh no. I'm not doing your homework. Not a chance. I'll help you but I won't do it Al." Albus looks pitifully at Scorpius so he shakes his head again.

"Aunt Hermione did dad and Uncle Ron's school work for them all the time." Albus pouts.

"Yeah and Hermione got tired of it too." I fold my arms across my chest. "You used me Albus. I'm injured." He hangs his head.

Asta laughs at all our antics but dismisses herself, promising to be back before I needed to go to my first class

Fortunately, she needed to leave to sit with Durmstrang for some morning announcements. Professor Baylin calls the hall to attention seeing that it was now at peak breakfast time and most if not all students had gathered.

"For our guests to experience Hogwarts to the fullest we'll be asking students to please be open to have a Durmstrang or Beauxbatons student accompany them to their classes for the duration of their stay." Baylin taps her wand tip on the podium and all the sixth and seventh years from all schools had either a purple or orange cap on. "Sixth years have orange caps and seventh years have on purple. Meet up with someone in your age group and please have fun." Baylin smiles from ear to ear and giggles.

Asta comes running over and we both take off the silly orange caps.

"Ready for class?" She smirks at me and I nod. She grabs my hand and pulls me from the bench.

"See you in class!" Scorpius and Albus call after us and I wave.

"Be quick to get good seats with us!" I laugh and Asta grins at me, putting heat beneath my skin again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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