LDshadowlady x Smalishbeans

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Type: ????
Who?: LDshadowlady
When?:Thursday 30th April 2020

Name: joel
Age: 26

Chapter 1
* Smallishbeans pov*
I woke up to the smell of Lizzie's famous pancakes I know that smell from miles away it always tastes so good. I grab some clothes and run to our an-suit I have to do our weekly upload of build verses we have so much fun on that world when we got to see her blow up spawn in kingdom craft (if u don't know about that then go watch it!)
"Morning my little bean" i say as I walk down

*Lizzie's thoughts*
Welp guess that's his new name for me then I kinda like it actually

*Lizzie pov*
"Morning king shrek"
"Haha" commented Joel "very funny"
"How many pancakes sweetie?" I ask

"3 please in a stack with nutella and bananas"


Author's note: hi! :) I hope you liked this
Word count:153

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