title once again is too long UwU

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"Explaining on thing. while freaking out about another"

so im gonna put the pictuer in the top area if you want to look at it. sooo

i have split Ivy Heart. And Ivy Heartstone. into two diffrent individuals. Ivy heart stone. the one on the left. is the Dancing on Blades ivy. she belongs in the dancing on blades universe. Ivy Heart Belongs To the Mlp EQ universe and the regular Mlp universe. (sorry if the pictuer appers more times than one. my computer is acting up)

And the reason im freaking out. imsixteeninlessthan24hourshelp. (basically. Im Sixteen in Less Than 24 Hours.) so Yay Me! yep. im sixteen tommrow. wich is in less than 24 hours. so i relize i havent updated Dancing On Blades in a while -

revamping..... revamping....typing....typing...loading...

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