Every Story has a Beginning

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Mao Mao and Twig were snuggled up together in the dojo enjoying the view and the silence of the early morning. When they heard multiple squeaks of joy "dad, mom" they both turned around and saw their kits running towards you. When they reached the entrance they jumped into both of your arms. "What is it my loves" Twig said in a Motherly voice that Mao Mao loved to hear. I'm so glad I met her He thought to himself. Twig looked up and saw him looking at her. She leaned over to Mao Mao and kissed him in between his ears. "I thought I'd get more" "oh you will later except the kids are with us." she said with a slight red hue on her cheeks. 

They  turned back to their kits "so what did you want" the lead kit Fire walked up and pulled out a picture of a cat that was at least 4 heads taller then Mao Mao "who is this" he said. Mao Mao took the picture from him "where did you get that" he said with a slight hint of anger in his voice. "we found it in your office" Shadow said with pride in his voice "don't go in there again" Mao said with tears forming in his eyes. Mao Mao got up and opened a drawer and put the photo in it, closed it back up and sat back down next to Twig. " well who is he," they pressed. "ok, ok. I'll tell you about him. 

Now find somewhere to sit and be quiet." the kits did just that and found a giant pillow hiding in the corner. They pulled it out and dragged it across the floor right infront of their father. All 5 of them jumped on it. They started fighting on who would get to sit where. And that when Mao Mao picked them up and handed them to Twig. Twig was sitting in a with her legs crossed and set their kits in her lap. "remember I said you would have to be quiet" "sorry" they both replied with a hint of disappointment. " Don't get sad, I'l still tell the story. "YAY!!" they cheered gleefully. "and i need to hear it to"Mao said with sadness in his voice. " It's okay, I know how much he meant to you. you were so attached you were practically brothers. And i miss him to." Twig leaned in and gave him a kiss, this time on the lips. "ok then, let's get into it."  

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