Chapter 2- Hulk

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I woke up with my head feeling like it’s about to explode. I moaned as I tried to get up, feeling sharp pain as I opened my eyes.

,, That’s what you get for overusing it” I could recognize the voice anywhere. Tony. I tried to pen my eyes again, and this time I managed to keep them open. I was in my bed, tucked in and comfortable. I somehow managed to sit up, and then looked at Tony.

,, How long?” I asked, surprise by how hoarse my voice was. I cleared my throat as I waited for Tony to answer.

,,Two days” he said, his voice stern, which I wasn’t used to.

,, Oh dear. It was Pirate’s fault, anyways. He put the invisible barrier in front of me, and that’s the only way I managed to escape. I was only taking a look at the prisoners, I did nothing to deserve such treatment” I stated, twisting the truth. Tony sighed.

,, Fury told me that you were abusing the prisoners”

,, Abusing is hardly-“

,, They confirmed. You terrified one of them out of his mind. Don’t you feel bad about it?”

,, I did feel bad at first. But then I discovered his name, and went to look for his files. He killed hundreds of people. He deserves much worse than a girl in front of his cage.” I replied. I was telling the complete truth, and Tony could tell that. He sighed again.

,, True enough, kiddo. But Fury is not pleased. “

,, He should have put smarter guards on duty. These kept chasing my illusion for 3 years without suspecting anything. “

,, He decided to extend security. You will not be able to pass without a card that unlocks the door. He won’t change the guards, just add the locks. The thing he should have done long ago. “ Tony said. ,, Breakfast is ready and you are invited” he said as he left me alone in my room. I was pleased with myself. I decided to try the thing Thor said that I should be able to do- to change my clothes with magic. He told me that it was complicated, but easy once I master it. How the hell did he know that was beyond me.

I concentrated hard, and the next thing I know I’m in my favorite green-gold clothes. I felt a little weaker, but it was bearable. I made my way towards the dining room. Tony, Banner, Natasha and Cap were already eating. The flashed me a smile and got back to their breakfast. I didn’t like the smiles they gave me. I was in trouble. But I took my seat anyways and started devouring the eggs hungrily.

,,Huuhm!” I exclaimed. That was my way of saying ‘I’m stuffed’. Bruce Banner, the Hulk, cleared his throat.

,, Yes?” I asked. I did not want to make that guy angry.

,, We would like to talk about what you did” he said.

,, Okay. I’ll just go to the bathroom real quick.” When I finished my business, I didn’t leave right away. They’ve been living without my tricks for days. I opened a bottle of shampoo and mixed it as much stuff as I could find that was liquid. I then made the liquid float to the door, and I went out, closing the door. I stopped my magic, knowing that whoever opens the door next will get a pleasant surprise. The lucky person would get pretty mad, considering what I’ve done not so much time ago.

,, Let’s talk, then.”

,, I have to go to the bathroom first.” I would have had the smirk in my mouth if the person who said that wasn’t Bruce.

,, Stop!” I yelled, but I was too late. The mixed stuff was covering Bruce and he was trembling in anger.

,, Uh-oh” Tony said as Hulk was unleashed. Bruce’s body started to grow and he was suddenly a green monster, pure power.

,,Wow” I said. The situation was serious, but I was impressed non-the-less.  Hulk turned around. I started to back up to my friends slowly. They were telling Bruce to think, to calm down and stop that. But he seemed to be deaf to their words as he approached us slowly. I gathered the courage and stepped out.

,, Bruce, stop this. “ I said simply, half expecting him to turn back to Bruce. I  was sure that he would at least think about what I said. But instead he let out a feral roar and scooped me up, throwing me to the opposite wall. He would have thrown me if it was me instead of an illusion.

,, Behind you, green boy!” I shouted. I tricked the Hulk, and I was pretty damn happy. And I survived. He turned around, and I regretted calling him ‘green boy’.

,, Bruce, calm down. It’s okay. I’m sorry” I said, putting my hands in front of my, motioning for him to calm down. He seemed to relax a bit, and I approache him cautiously.

,, It’s okay” I whispered. I thought that I have managed to get him to his senses. But I was clearly wrong, for he roared again, and I felt ground escape from my legs as Hulk picked me up like I was as heavy as a kitten. And then I was flying. I could see the glass wall getting closer and closer, and then I hit. Sadly, it wasn’t the unbreakable glass and I was falling from a 15 story building. I was going to die, and I knew. But to my surprise, I was thinking rationally and my mind was working perfectly. I imagined myself in the dining room, and concentrated like I never concentrated before. For some time nothing happened, and I knew that the ground was getting closer. But then I heard my name being screamed, and I found myself in the dining room when I opened my eyes. All of them were looking through the broken glass wall, shouting my name. Bruce was back to his normal, and he looked the most upset.

,, Are you looking for someone?” I said. I couldn’t stop myself from making a fabulous entry. They all turned around and started at me. Then they started shouting, cursing me and praising the gods I was alive at the same time. Then I felt a presence behind us, and I turned around.

Standing there was Thor, whom I have not seen for almost a year.

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