Chapter 13

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"You look exhausted." Wendy said to Jisoo. It was a Monday night when Wendy, Irene and Jisoo were eating dinner together.
"Jennie and Jisoo are not on speaking terms, hon. Just leave her like that." Irene said while chewing her food.
"Kim Jisoo, yah, i told you to tell me if something happens with you here right?"
"Nothing's wrong guys. Why? It's not like me and Jennie has something to talk. I have already completed what I needed to do and I am just waiting for this week to finish and I am outta here."
"See honey, something's up between Jisoo and Jennie."
"How can you say that?" Wendy asked Irene.
"Well for the past weeks when they see each other at work they stare at each other and smile as if they're talking with their eyes. Jennie's not touchy or clingy with any of us in the office but with Jisoo, she's different. She holds her hand and wrap her arms around Jisoo, on stand up meetings. That is really not normal.."
"Don't believe her.."
"Shh Jisoo, I am not yet done. Jennie eats her meals alone and never goes to any eat out invitations except if she's with the higher bosses but when Jisoo asks her, she agrees. She never visits meetings except when she is invited but when that meeting has Jisoo invited, she'd visit.
"Not true.."
"It's true Kim. In addition, Jennie never smiles at us. But when Jisoo came, she became lively and smiley. She also visited the factory with Jisoo and she only went there for the ribbon cutting event 2 years ago. All of us employees were talking about this and we are happy to have Jisoo around."
"You're talking like I am not here infront of you Irene. Like really."
"No Jisoo. I am just telling you what I and the other people around had observed. You changed Jennie and that's a fact."
"So.. Jisoo, what is up with you two?" Wendy asked again.
"I said nothing. Okay?"
"Honey, don't worry. Tomorrow's the start of the fashion week and I'll report to you whatever I can observe." Irene said.
"Honey. You are the best, remember that?"
"Yah. You two. Don't you have your own lives? Just leave me alone with this. Okay?"
"Nope. Not gonna happen."

The next day...
Jisoo was busy checking on all the models and had a last minute before they go to the runway. Irene was with her and busy with saying, "Models, our stylist right here is single anyone available may ask me for her number."
"Don't believe her." Jisoo shakes her head.
"Don't believe her either, she is single af." The models just laughed with Irene.
"Miss Irene? Jennie wants to speak with you." Jennie's secretary came.
"Sure, where is she?" Irene followed the secretary and Jennie was outside the tent where the models were preparing.

"Yes Boss? You called for me?" Irene said.
"Is everything okay already?" Jennie asked.
"Yes! Jisoo is now checking each of the models to check nothing is being missed."
"Well that is good then." Jennie said. Irene saw a guy on his phone and it seems he and Jennie are together.
"Is he your date?" Irene was curious.
"Uhm, no. I just tagged him along."
"Oooh. Well..."
"Miss Irene!!" A model called Irene from a far and went near her.
"Hey? Aren't you one of the models?" Irene asked.
"Yes! I am Seulgi by the way. You told me the stylist is single right?" The model asked.
"You mean Jisoo?" Irene made her voice louder so that Jennie can hear.
"Yes! Jisoo the stylist. Uhm, you also told us we can get her number from you right?"
"Why not?" Irene was grabbing her phone from her purse when Jennie said.
"Does Kim Jisoo knows about this?"
"Yeah. I announced it earlier inside the tent that she is single and available. She heard it and she didn't even say no."
"Oh. Okay."
"Well, Seulgi right? Here's Jisoo's number. Enjoy okay? Jisoo is really fun to be with."
"I will! Thanks Miss Irene!" Seulgi went back to the tent.

"Boss, I have to go back to the tent. I'll see you around." Irene was about to walk away but..
"Why do you that Irene?"
"The what boss?"
"Announce to them Jisoo is single and giving her out like.. like.."
"Like? Like she is really single? She is. I want Jisoo to be happy too. I want her to join me and Wendy for a double date not like chaperone anymore."
"Anything you want to say Boss?"
"No. You can go now."
"Thanks." Irene walked away and she felt very successful of what she did. 'I guess I made Jennie jealous right? And she is with a guy! That's why she is ignoring Jisoo because.. she like another one.. No shit, Bae Joohyun, you are not born with a wrong instinct. My instincts has been right since I was born! Jisoo likes Jennie and vice versa. Thats it.'

When Irene entered the tent she saw Seulgi and Jisoo was already talking.
"yah yah, I don't think you need Jisoo's number anymore?" Irene teased.
"I asked for your number." Seulgi shyly said to Jisoo.
"Oh really? haha. Well its fine. Message me okay? Anyway you guys need to prepare now. Irene we need to go to our seats. Shows about to start."

Irene and Jisoo sat together.
"Oh shi-" Irene said.
"Look. Jennie and that guy. I think they are together Jisoo. But don't worry okay? Mommy's gonna do something."
"That's Sehun. He's my friend. And when did you became my Mommy?"
"You my dear, you are our kid. Wendy and I are your mom okay?"
"So my ex is mom now?"
"Well. Yes. Now listen don't you ever look at them okay? Promise me."
"Okay? Why would I look at them.."
"I know! And hey did you mention you know that guy?"
"I introduced them. I was their... cupid? I guess?"
"What the hell! KIM JISOO! Mommy didn't raise you a loser! How could you! Yah! Are you a sadist?"
"Seriously Irene you are creeping me out."
"No. You are creeping me out. How could you do that to yourself?"
"Well Sehun seems to like her and she agreed to give her number to him and.. i guess they like each other?"
"But how about you sweetie? How about you my poor poor child?"
"How about me? I'm Jisoo, I'm okay."
"Sweetie, it's okay not to be okay. Remember that."
"Sure, Mom."
"You.. just called me Mom?" Irene looked at Jisoo lovingly and pitily then hugged her.

The show started and it's a good thing she is distracted with all the models passing infront of her that she doesn't have time looking at Sehun and Jennie.

When Seulgi walked Jisoo took her camera and was busy taking shots while smiling and doing thumbs up at Seulgi.

"Hey, are you two already flirting? You just met a while ago?" Irene wondered.

"What's wrong? That's my best design. What she's wearing. And also, I talked to her for like 20 minutes and we have same hobbies. I think she's going to be my next bestie."

"So she's bestie zoned?"

"Don't worry Mom I'm going to introduce her to a friend. I'm sure they'd click."

"So are you playing cupid now? Me and Wendy, Sehun and Jennie, Seulgi and whoever friend is that."

"I am not."

"Never thought they'd be really close like that." Jennie said.
"That girl beside Jisoo?" Sehun asked.
"Yes and that model."
"Are you sad because of that?"
"I know they're just friends. She's Wendys girlfriend just recently. Though that model, I am not sure."
"Oh Wendy. I know Wendy."
"Yeah. We met in Japan. Jisoo introduced me to her."
"I see."

"Jisoo is really friendly Jennie. Any stranger who can sit beside her will be her friend in a few minutes. Though she's bad in contacting and catching up with most of her friends but whe you're with her she's still that person you know of."

"Yes. Hey. You're obviously staring at her Jennie."
"I'm not."
"You are. Focus on your show."
"What show?"
"Fashion show. Not us."

A/N: Short right? haha Hold awn guys hold awn.

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