Chappie 8

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before i start let me clear some things up about Lucy's powers and stuff. 

The only thing she got from Jacob is her wolf and she has an imprint but she can't tell who that is unless they actually kiss mkay? from edward she got the generic cold one abilities, her being able to get her ability, but she did NOT get any venom so she can't change people, and she can only be killed like a cold one which is by fire after being ripped apart or before depending on circumstance haha, she doesn't die after being ripped apart since she can be put back together, she does have red eyes in bloodlust, and lastly she has no blood so she is mostly cold one. Now the only things she got from human Bella are she can eat food, she has her normal eyes, and she can be compelled. (a cold one can't be compelled unless by an original.) that is all ^-^  

Lucy's POV: 

We pulled up to the biggest mall in forks which in reality was only about the size of the average walmart. I stepped out of the car with Rex on a leash next to me. What? I couldn't just leave him at home and they allow dogs. As I started walking towards the entrance I noticed everyone staring. Was it was my enhanced beauty or the two weird lookin Egyptians trailing behind me? Ehh probably my amazing looks I thought as I let out a small chuckle. Benjamin looked at me weird as I continued to walk to the nearest pet shop. I let Benjamin pick out the collar and toys while I went to the food. I bought a big bag of food and put it in my cart. Ben (I'm gonna shorten Benjamin to Ben cause it's easier and Benjamin is to formal haha) picked out a normal red collar and a load of toys. I gave him a look. 

"if he rips these all up i'm not cleaning it." I told him as we checked out. We then went to the stores and I bought tons of clothes for Ben and Tia who has just been trailing along this whole time. 

We finally finished shopping and headed home. Once we got home I immediately grabbed Ben's hand and ran to the backyard.

"Time to practice!" I yelled all excited. 

We fought for ever just increasing my strength even more. Sadly Ben kept beating me! Then I noticed something. I had a pool back here and the water was boiling and splashing everywhere. Ben was looking at it to and as I calmed down it stopped. 

"Did I do that?" I asked as I stared at the water confused. I'm pretty darn sure I couldn't do that before. I can only control fire. Right? 

"Think hard and try to move it again." Ben said as he turned to look at me I stared at the water really hard and then as if on command it started rising. It fell back down in surprise. 

" IS AWESOME!" I yelled as I looked over at Ben in excitement. 

For the next 2 hours we worked to improve that and  also discovered I could control all the elements like Ben. The only difference was Ben needed a source for his power to work while I could just amazingly pull out a ball of water, fire, or whatever. I could still use a source though but yeah I didn't need it. 

I quickly grabbed Rex and told Ben and Tia to follow me. I ran all the way to the Salvatore boarding house. I was so excited as I ran through the doors. The first person I saw was Stefan. "Steffie! wanna see what I just learned???" I asked acting like a child on Christmas.

"What?" He asked bored. I quickly soaked him with water and laughed at his shocked face. Klaus and Damon came in as I was dying from laughter and then they soon saw the two people behind me. They both made a rush to grab them but I used the air to hold Klaus to the wall while Ben held Damon. I gave Ben the look because I could have handled both but whateves. I turned back to the gentlemen trapped to the wall.

"What's with the hostility boys? I'm just bringing some friends over." I said casually as I set Rex down on the ground. "Time for intros, this is Ben and Tia, and this is my new dog Rex. Now on the other half this is Klaus, Damon, and Steffie but only I can call him that you can call him Stefan." Stefan let out a groan. "No Lucy you can't call me that I tell you all the time." Stefan says annoyed. I winked at him as I turned to the still struggling men. I let out a laugh as I dropped Klaus and Ben soon followed by dropping Damon. 

"Is there a need for them to be brought to our house?" Damon asked aggravated. I let out a mock gasp. "They are friends so of course! You make me sick even thinking about leaving them at home all alone with nothing to do." I said with fake horror in my voice.

"Now I came here to tell y'all after introductions that since school starts tomorrow I thought I would go. I mean not that I need it since I plan on doing nothing my whole life but hey! I've never been to school so i'll start now! I'll be a junior with Steffie and all y'all." I told them I turned back around. I started to run back home with Ben, Tia, and Rex hot on my heels. 

I had already registered with the school and bought all my supplies. I went to my room and went to bed kinda excited for tomorrow. 

I woke up the next morning and quickly took a shower. I got on a White, purple, blue, and green floral crop top, a black skirt, a jean jacket, some black polka dot flats, and some gold bracelets. My backpack was just a plan blue tribal print. I told Ben to take care of Rex and gave him and Tia a hug as I exited the house. I drove straight to the school and as soon as I pulled in the looks started. I didn't mind though, I personally lived for them. I also heard people whispering. The girls were mostly saying how jealous they were and they thought that I had no right to walk around like I owned the place. The guys were talking about how hot I was and how much they wanted to bang me. Ugh teenage boy hormones were nasty. 

I walked into the office and saw a woman sitting at the front desk. "Hello?" I asked as she looked up from her computer. She looked surprised at how pretty I was but then again most cold ones are pretty darn breathtaking. Me more than most...ugh i really need to stop boosting my own cockiness. She handed me my schedule once she regained composure and I gave her a small smile as I walked back out into the hall. I saw my first class was history with Mr. Saltzman. I saw Caroline down the hall so I quickly ran at human speed over to her. "Care?" I called out to her as she turned to me.

I asked her where the room was and surprisingly her, Bonnie, Stefan, and Elena all had the same class as me. I smiled as I followed behind Care ignoring all the glares from girls and wolf whistles from jocks.  I walked into the class and took a seat right next to Caroline. Me and her starting talking before I finally realized who the teacher was. Ric? "Ric is the history teacher?" I asked Care as she glanced at him. "ugh yeah kinda weird I know but you'll get used to it."  she said as everyone else piled in and class started. To say it was boring would be an understatement. I was basically dying in my seat.

The rest of the day went pretty much the same except for last period I had with this lady named Ms. Monroe. It was math which I already knew about so I wasn't listening and then she had the guts to call me out and ask if I wanted to go to the principal's office for not doing the work on the first day. I casually put my feet on the desk and leaned back in my chair as I turned to look at her. "I'm sorry am I hurting you in any way? Or is me being lazy effecting how you work? No then please turn back around and continue to write your petty little problems on the board and leave me alone." She looked like she was about to explode. 

"Ms. Pierce I will not except this disrespect in my classroom!" She yelled as she put her hands on her hips. 

"See my foot? Yes? If you don't continue on with your life it's gonna be down your throat in the next 5 seconds." I told her as my temper flared. 

"PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW!" she shrieked at me. I stood up as I put my hands in the air and gathered my things. Oh I so wanted to burn her right now. I continued on to the principal's office and got a dumb lesson about respect.

As soon as school ended I made my way outside only to bump into an African American girl. "Watch where you're going?" She said as she looked me over. "You're the one who bumped into me." I said as I was already seething with anger and she was not helping the situation. I could feel myself shaking and I was trying very hard not to shift and go all rambo on this entire school. I really need to cool down or something not pretty is going to happen. 


all done with this chappieeeeeeeeee!

remember to vote/comment ur thoughts :D 

~princess heather

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