After 3 Years...An Update And

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Hello beautiful people!

I have logged in for the first time in at least a year, more like 2, possibly 2.5.  Point being I send my apologies and my very deep deep sadness for those who were reading until the most recent update. At the time of writing I was in high school, around my senior year I believe. Depression got really bad for a while during and all the scary thoughts that come with it.

Anyways, I between then and now I find myself in a much better place. I understand the feeling of keeping up with a story until BAM! Author just falls off the face of the earth. Well here's your update you've been waiting for! 

I have a draft saved on here I never ended up publishing! Along with a short little snip of another. I will be uploading the snip and looking over the draft. I don't believe it's long enough to be satisfying, but I'll see what I can do.

I hope in updating it'll restore some faith in our readers. Sometimes our authors do come back, hopefully in a much better place mentally, emotionally, and physically. I'm absolutely flabbergasted in the amount of readers. I send virtual hugs and air kisses to everyone. 

Look forward to more updates. May you all have a wonderful and blessed day/night!

Merc Madly In Love(SPIDEYPOOL)Where stories live. Discover now