
105 5 1

tHEy tURn tHe fRICKEn fROGs gAy!

Ship name:

Asui (Tsu) Tsuyu

Ochako Uraraka

Person 1's opinion: Good Friends
Person 2's opinion: Good Friends

T and B:
I think they are both switches

Popularity in fandom (High, Medium, Low):
Medium, I mean, did get requested to do this

How I feel about it (stars 1-5):
⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (thats 3 1/2) I ship it but I also wouldn't be upset if a different ship became canon

Likelihood to become canon (1-10):
4- *Le sigh* I hate writing this over and over: its gay so the likely hood is low, ALTHOUGH Tsu did ask for Ochako hand when she was scared OwO

Description of ship:
They Shoto can calm down Izuku while Izuku can bring out more emotions in Shoto.

The probably hang out all the time, I mean they both are in the Dekusquad. So soon group activity's become solo activity's with just the two of them. Uraraka confesses after she gets over her (canon) crush on Deku.

Uraraka will be there for Tsu when ever she is scared and Tsu will be there when Uraraka needs someone to talk to and vent with.

This relationship will out of this world last a lifetime.

On to my nexts beans ship —>
Request ships and people for me to do next in the comments

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