Endings and Beginnings

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Kamari's POV

The sound of a nearby nest rustling awoke me from my sleep. "Ugh....Sangoma?" As my tired vision slowly faded to reveal the light of the setting sun, I noticed the staggering tracks leading out of the den. I looked towards my mentor's nest to see it laid barren. I scrambled to my feet. "Sangoma?" Her scent flew from the tracks and I hurried out of the den, racing as the scent steadily became stronger.
Why would she leave?! She barely had the strength to eat this morning?!

Makuu's POV

I was calmly laying on a flat rock near the water, fast asleep, when a voice came closer.
"Makuu....Makuu, get up!" I blinked open my eyes to see Pua. I groaned. "What's going on?"
"I just saw Kamari running past in a panic, come on I want to go see what's happening."
I groaned out a sigh. It would usually be at this time that I would growl a retort and go back to sleep, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in what's going on with Kamari.
I growled softly but stood, sharing a nod with Pua before following him in the direction the healer went.

Kamari's POV

Where is she? Where is she?!
My mind was slowly sending my heart in a panic. I had lost the scent after passing some garlic patches and I hadn't been able to regain it.
I continued to search until a soft cough came from the den-like roots of a tree. I quickly moved to an entrance into the roots. The sight of my mentor gave me relief and concern.
"Sangoma?" I called softly, moving to crouch beside the still form of the big cat.
"Kama....I was wondering.....if you w-would follow me....."
Her breath came in soft gasps as I pressed my muzzle into her fur. The sinking feeling that she was....couldn't be shaken from my mind.
"Of course, Sangoma. Now come on, let's get you back to the den."
She gave a long sigh but didn't move. "No....this is it.....This is where.....my time will come to an end."
My heart sunk.
"What? No, you don't know what your saying, Sangoma." I felt my throat tighten at the thought of her leaving forever. "Let's just get you back home, give you some herbs, and you will be better in the morning-"
"Kamari!" She snapped suddenly causing me to jump. She shakily lifted her head to look me in the eyes. "My time is finished. I have taught you everything I can and it is now your turn to take my place as the Pride Lands healer."
I couldn't stop the tears from coming.
"Now come, Moonbeam. Stop crying before you drown in your own emotions."
She softly rubbed her scarred and gray muzzle against my cheek. Then she softly laid back down. "You were my greatest accomplishment, young one. Take care of the Pride Lands for me." She smiled softly before her eyes closed and she sighed for the final time.
I felt my chest tighten as I crouched by her side, my sobs quieted in my mentor's fur.
I sat outside the root den where my mentor lay as the quiet sound of two animals approached from behind.
I turned my gaze to see Pua and Makuu.
"Is everything alright?"
I turned and stared at the den opening, a silent choked sob racked my body. I never liked crying, especially in front of others. But right now I couldn't help it.
Pua entered the den as Makuu came forward to stand beside me, looking uncomfortable in this situation. Pua then came out and Makuu moved to meet him, giving the crocodile leader a questioning look. Pua shook his head sadly before coming towards me. Makuu took one glance in the den then turned back, a look of realization on his snout.
"I'm so sorry, young one..." Pua's soft voice was right next to me as I unconsciously stared through tear-filled eyes at the opening.

Makuu's POV

Sangoma's dead....
I looked towards the young healer as she seemed to lose herself in her own mind.
"This is grave news but a momentous time. From this day on, you are now the Pride Lands healer." Pua spoke solemnly as he moved back to the tree to pay his final respects. I stepped away from the tree and towards the new healer.
I wanted to say something to keep her going, to tell her to deal with this and move on. But all that came out was....
"I'm sorry...."
She seemed to snap from her trance and look away. "I-I don't know if I'm ready for my role as healer...." She sniffed softly before giving the roots a determined look, or as much of a determined look that she could give at that moment. Then she stood and turned away, starting towards Priderock. "I must inform the King and Queen." Her voice was hoarse but she tried to be strong.
I felt a tug in my chest as I watched her leave the way she did before I shook it off and joined Pua in giving my respects. I may not have respected the healers life style and choices but that didn't mean that I thought they were completely useless.

No One's POV

As night fell, the Pride Landers all joined at the tree to pay their respects to the fallen healer.
In the distance, a lone cat sat on a ridge, looking out over the gathering. She sighed and turned to leave.
"Kamari, wait!" The familiar shout of the young lion cub prince and his friends made the cat stop and glance back to the approaching group.
"We wanted to say we're sorry about Sangoma and congratulate you for becoming the Pride Lands healer." Ono spoke as he landed on Beshte's back.
Moon sighed. "Thanks guys, I really appreciate it but I want to get back to the den. I'll see you around." The cat then continued on her way, her ears down and her tail slightly dragging in the dirt. Little did she know of another animal's gaze on her form as she left. He sighed and turned back to the group, sending constant glances the healers way.
Kamari made it to her now empty den and gave a sorrowful sigh. She curled in her nest, her tail brushing her nose. She stared at the wall for what seemed to be an eternity before pushing her muzzle into her paws, falling into a restless sleep as two tears escaped her eyes.
"I'll do my best, Sangoma.....I promise."

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