Chapter 1

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It was a peaceful, and perfect day at Seabrook High School; the birds were chirping, flowers were blooming, waves were softly rolling in on the shore. Seagulls flew over the white-haired girl, and her tall, green-haired, zombie boyfriend. The couple happily walked into the school building and were greeted by the other human-zombie couple, Bonzo and Bree.

"Addie!" The dark-haired bright eyes cheerleader ran up to the white-haired girl and hugged her.

"Bree! I've missed you so much! How was your summer break?" Addison asked, letting go of her friend.

"Oh, it was wonderful, Addie!" Bree giggled while quickly glancing over at her own green-haired boyfriend.

"Hey, man! Wassup?" Zed greeted his zombie friend."

"Zaga! Za, zugger aga?" Bonzo said, grinning.

"Yeah, man, my summer was great!" Zed beamed back.

The two couples were happily reminiscing and going on and on about their summer; they didn't notice the curly green-haired zombie girl walk up to them, clutching the strap of her computer bag.

"Ahem!" She coughed to get their attention. The four turned their heads to look at the zombie, "Well, while you guys were off having cuddle time, I was planning my next course of action."

"What's that, Eliza?" Zed asked.

"This year, I'm running for student body president!" Eliza cheered happily, "Since Bucky graduated last year, there isn't anyone popular running! So I'm positive I can win."

"That sounds amazing!" Addison ran up to her and gave Eliza a huge hug, "You have my vote for sure!"

"You can count mine too!" Bree clapped her hands together.

"Ga za!" Bonzo exclaimed.

Eliza smiled at all of them and turned to Zed, who gave her a look, "what? Isn't it obvious you already have my vote?"

They all laughed. Suddenly the doors of Seabrook High were slammed open as the werewolf pack enters the school led by the three main werewolves.

"Willa!" Addison waved over at the pack leader, who smiled at her flashing her white fangs.

"Addison, good to see you again." The wolf girl grinned at the white-haired cheerleader.

"Hi, everyone!" Wynter waved excitedly, "It's great to see you all again!" The happy werewolf stopped and looked at Wyatt and Willa, "Great, right? It is great to see them?"

Willa chuckled, "Yes, Wynter."

Wyatt smiled softly at his sister and friend before turning his gaze to Addison still smiling, "It's great to see ya again, Addie."

"You too, Wyatt!" Addison ran up and hugged the werewolf.

"Not threatened." Zed gulped watching his girlfriend hug the werewolf boy

"You shouldn't be," Eliza shrugged, watching them.

"This is going to be a great year!" Addison smiled as she returned to her group.

"Sure is!" Bree giggled in excitement, "Especially since Seabrook is hosting the surfing tournament this year!"

"That's right! I forgot about that!" Addison's face lit up.

"Surfing? What's that?" Wyatt asked, putting his thumbs in his belt loops.

"It's a sport humans made, its where they use a board to 'ride the waves,'" Eliza explained.

"The waves of the ocean?" Wynter asked, tilting her head.

"Yup!" Zed smiled, "and this year, monsters can join! I'm thinking of trying out."

"Can you even surf?" Eliza asked, turning her gaze to her tall friend.

Zed looked up as he thought about it, "Nooo, but has that ever stopped me?" He gave his friend a cheeky smile.

The female zombie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "No."

"Just make sure you don't get lured in by the sirens!" Bree yelped.

"Sir-who now?" Zed looked at the dark-haired girl with wide eyes.

Addison shook her puzzled face, "What are you talking about, Bree?"

The group looked at Bree as she fiddled with her fingers.

"W-well, my father is a fisherman, which is how I know a lot of fish stuff. But he told me one time he was out late because, well that's when you can get some of the best catch." Bree fiddled with her fingers as everyone stared at her.

"He and my uncle were far out at sea when the light of the full moon lit up the water. They swore they saw a girl with long hair just... Staring at them with her bright blue eyes in the water, her head bobbing with the tide. Then she started singing, and my uncle had to tie my dad down before he threw himself overboard. My dad doesn't remember a thing, but my uncle sure does. He had the bruises to prove it."

"Sounds..." Eliza started, but Addison cut in.

"Interesting! Did your dad ever see her again? What was she singing?" Addison's blue eyes lit up as she got closer to Bree.

"N-No, my dad never went out late again after that." Bree smiled awkwardly, "Th-They didn't tell me."

"Oh, but it sounds like... There are more monsters out there." Eliza said.

"Like us," Wyatt added.

The group turned to look out the window that peered out towards the sea.

"We should go out there to find them! Maybe they can give me a better idea of who I am!" Addison started hopping up and down.

"Addie, from what I heard... Sirens aren't friendly." Bree gently put her hand on her white-haired friend's arm.

"That's what people thought about the werewolves! But they aren't mean and scary!" Addison brushed Bree's hand off.

"We are so mean!" Wynter jumped in, glaring, "we're big and nasty werewolves! We're totally scary!" She growled, her green eyes glowed gold as her moonstone blazed blue.

"Wynter!" Wyatt pulled the riled up werewolf back, "Calm down. She didn't mean it like that."

Addison giggled as Wynter's eyes turned back to their normal shade, "Sorry, Wynter, I really didn't."

Aah~ Aha~ Aah~

Addison spun on her heel and looked around frantically, "did you hear that?!"

"Hear what?" Zed asked, confused.

"It sounded like someone singing," Addison said, still looking around.

The werewolves shrugged. Willa looked at Addison, concerned, "No one sang a note."

"Maybe I'm just hearing things..." Addison sighed.

The bell rang, and the groups separated into their direction. Addison walked to her next class, troubled.

"I swore I heard a girl's voice singing," Addison mumbled as she looked out a nearby window.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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