#2 - drown me

298 15 47

Junhee is living by himself in a small apartment by the sea. No pets, no plants, no boyfriend to keep him company. He even got no neighbours, living on the last floor of the building. The apartments next to his are only occupied with old torn sofas, broken tvs, to name a few. And all these covered in dust. It is as if he lives in some kind of hunted dump.

His apartment is nothing better. Of course, it is a lot cleaner, but not happier. At all. Grey walls in every room, aged wooden floor... Junhee tried to brighten it with buying colorful things when he moved in. At first it worked, but now, everything is just gloomy, as if every traces of life had been sucked out.

Maybe because Junhee's happy mood and will to live do not exist anymore.

He goes to college by day, having barely enough money to pay the lessons. The teachers tire him with too much homework that he has hardly the time to do because he works in a grocery store by night, and his boss often keeps him a lot after the end of his shift. So when Junhee goes home, he's exhausted by his whole day and goes straight to bed, not bothering to do them homeworks or even have a dinner. And when he wakes up the next morning, he again does not have a breakfast because of his lack of money. To be real and honest, the only meal that Junhee has is his lunch, but it being only a cup of ramen.

Junhee's life really is a mess and he can't do anything about it.


Today is another day for Junhee to go to college. He wakes up tired, his boss has kept him late again. He struggles to put on some black jeans and manages to slip on a same-colored and big-sized hoodie. He takes his phone and looks at the percentage of battery. 21%.

"You must be kidding me !" he whisper-screams. He has put his phone in charge all night but wakes up to an almost dead phone. How is he supposed to go through the day with only 21% ? He's thinking about leaving his phone home and going without it, since it's not much of use but after thinking about it twice, he decides "Screw it, I'm taking it anyway" while putting his phone in his back pocket.

Then, he looks for his earphones, but doesn't find them at their usual place. He looks in the pockets of his last outfit, not there. In his bag, not there either. On his nightstand, still not there. "Oh come on !" Junhee yells in frustration. He sits on his bed and puts his hands in his hoodie's pocket, having already enough of his day, and it didn't even started yet.

As he starts playing with his fingers, to somewhat calm him down, Junhee feels something in between them. He takes the object out of his pocket, already knowing what it is. "Really ! They were in there for fuck's sake !" he cries out, an unique tear of anger rolling down his cheek. He quickly wipes it off with the back of sleeve.

"Let's just leave this place" he whispers to himself, going to the hall to slip into his shoes. He then takes his keys and throws his bag on his shoulder before opening the door and leaving. Of course he closes the door behind him.

On his way to college, Junhee puts his earphones on and pushes the shuffle button. The first song that is played is a calm one, totally contrasting with Junhee's mood. He doesn't change it, thinking that maybe, maybe, it will calm him down. But deep down within him, he knows that the song won't change anything. And before he knows it he's already here.

He slowly enters in his school's hallway, avoiding everyone's eye contact, knowing that they will judge him for being who he is. He goes straight to his locker, opens it and takes his books for his first classes. Junhee then leaves to the biggest lecture hall of the college to have a good seat, not so far from the teacher to be able to listen to the class but far enough to take a little nap without the teacher noticing (it's not like the teacher cares anyway).

oneshot collection - p.jh x k.ycOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora