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"Padfoot... is back?" Aradia breathlessly said as she overheard Remus and Minerva discussing it in the kitchen.

They snapped their heads towards the girl who stood frozen on the stairs, mixed feelings about all of this. Remus nodded, he looked tired, well more tired than his usual self.

"But there is one more thing, Remus," Minerva gave a soft smile as she extended a letter to Remus. "Albus wants you as the new professor of Defense against the dark arts."

Remus was shocked as Aradia gasped and run to him, hugging Remus's side. "Finally! You deserve it so much!" But Remus was white-faced.

"Wait a moment, Minerva, what about my... situation? A-and now that Sirius is on the loose-" Remus started rumbling.

"Moony, calm down..." Aradia took his hand, looking at him all serious.

"I-" Remus started, but Minerva interrupted with a nod.

"Aradia is quite right, I can't see a more competent teacher, and considering the last two," Minerva shook her head. "You'll be golden, you always were." She encouraged.

"I will make Wolfsbanes every month so you don't need to worry about transforming, Okay?" She softly asked and Remus looked between the two, he just couldn't help but smile a little.

"Thank you, both... I don't know what I would do without you..."

"You'd do just fine, but we make it easier," Aradia grinned. "And we'll be seeing more of each other during the school year! Except you'll call me Miss Ebony, and I'll call you Professor Lupin," she did voices and fake bows trying to lighten the mood as Remus ruffled her locks, chuckling.

"Of course, we don't know each other during the school-hours~" Remus smirked, some of his more youthful side showing.

The day was long, and now everyone was resting in their rooms, Minerva sleeping in the guest room(in the cat bed), but some of them weren't about to sleep.

Remus was still immensely worried. What was Sirius doing? Why was he back? Remus has mixed feelings about Sirius, especially after Sirius set him on Severus during on of his most sensitive periods, full moons...

Meanwhile Aradia had similar yet different things she was thinking about Sirius. She wanted to meet him, first of all, to meet another Marauder, that would've been a wish come true, but also she wanted to give him a piece of her mind for that thing he did to Remus. She knew he wasn't the one who got Prongs and Lilly killed by Voldemort, it was Wormtail, Peter Pettigrew, for sure... She just didn't know how it happened considering Sirius was the Secret keeper...

Aradia sighed, she just couldn't sleep so she sat on her bed and turned on the lap. She pulled out her newspaper and run her fingers along the article about Sirius Black.

Sirius Black, possibly the most infamous prisoner ever to be held in Azkaban fortress, is still eluding capture, the Ministry of Magic confirmed today.
"We are doing all we can to recapture Black," said the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, this morning, "and we beg the magical community to remain calm." Fudge has been criticized by some members of the International Federation of Warlocks for informing the Muggle Prime Minister of the crisis.
"Well, really, I had to, don't you know, " said an irritable Fudge. "Black is mad. He's a danger to anyone who crosses him, magic or Muggle. I have the Prime Minister's assurance that he will not breathe a word of Black's true identity to anyone. And let's face it – who 'd believe him if he did?"
While Muggles have been told that Black is carrying a gun (a kind of metal wand that Muggles use to kill each other), the magical community lives in fear of a massacre like that of twelve years ago, when Black murdered thirteen people with a single curse.

She looked at the photo of the man, but she couldn't see that "heartless serial killer", all she could see is a broken man, with eyes as empty as hers, staring at her. His skin was deathly white and his hair very long. She slowly closed her eyes, the images of younger Black she always saw merging with this one, then the green light flashed before her eyes again, making her jump.

Aradia fell backwards, covering her ears as her eyes went huge. "Don't scream. Don't you dare scream and worry Remus. He just got a little happiness. Don't ruin it." She kept telling herself that as she tried to calm down. "It's not real anyway, it's just a dumb flashback of something, maybe your parents dying, haha, that's nice... just great... I'm remembering something I shouldn't physically be able to recall..." she put her head in her knees, hugging them to her chest.

"Just amazing, precisely what I need.." Aradia muttered to herself. "I missGin... and Neville.. and Luna and Cedric..." she stopped for a moment. "And Draco..." she finally said, pursuing her lips.

She's been sending letters back and forth with all her friends, even taught them how to use a phone, Ginny imitating Ron's first attempt when he called Harry was the most hilarious thing ever, but she couldn't do any of that with Draco, not the letters and definitely not the call... and she couldn't even run to hug him the first time she sees him...

Aradia laid on her bed and turned to the side, sighing. "Why is everything so complicated?" She covered her face.

She was trying to fall asleep, but her body still wasn't having it. It also bugged her than she hasn't told Remus or Minerva that she is dating Luna, it's not that she didn't want to... just... this wasn't even really dating, what they did was mostly platonic, maybe some soft kisses on the cheeks or hand holding a few times, but it wasn't worth bringing up to her parents, having to come out.. she definitely wasn't gay, well not completely, and she didn't know what she was, so she decided to just keep that to herself as well as all about Tom Marvolo Riddle... it would've been too much... she hoped that at least her new classes will be fun, she took Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes and to top it off Care of Magic Creatures since Hagrid was teaching it.

Then she remembered her birthday. The book and home-made fudge Hagrid had gifted her, she loved petting the darn thing, finding out how to handle it by accident. From Neville she got a small cactus, the bit that fell off from the cacti she's gifted him, it grew quite fast, Ginny sent her some home-baked cookies, Luna sent her the most beautiful painting of two of them and a charm bracelet. What she never expected is for a house elf to appear and give her a present from Draco.

She stood up, and pulled the wooden box from under her bed. It was filled with potion ingredients, including wolfsbane... she pulled out the only letter Draco sent her this whole time and run her hand over it before opening it and reading it again.

I am sorry for not writing to you and forbidding you to write to me... I just don't want either of us to be in a situation, but I also can't let myself not get you something for your birthday... I accidentally found out that your father is a werewolf because I overheard you and Snape talking one night, I'm sorry for not telling you, but is this why you are so irritated at the topic of werewolves? Getting off topic now, I don't write many letters to "friends" nor do I buy them presents, so consider yourself special. I hope you find these useful, I mean they were required by school, so you should-
I miss you, it's been so boring without you around... and pretending I hate muggleborns was getting a little harder...
wish you the best,

Aradia sighed again and put everything back inside, closing the box and hugging it. "I can't wait to see you as well, dork..." she mumbled closing her eyes before she put the box back under her bed and laid down, finally able to get some sleep.

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