Chapter 2

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The try-outs were good. I managed to scare a heap of the boys and make some friends, which is nice.

They are all really nice to me so I really have no mean comments.

That strange boy still looks at me, it's still creepy

 "Okay, so here are your positions, Ashton pierce?" My dad called out.

The strange boy who keeps staring at me lifted his hand.

Ashton, that's a nice name. Maybe I could be friends with him and eventually ask him why he stares.

"OK Ashton, you are quarterback of the Miami boys wolves this year, congratulations" Chirped dad

Aw I wanted quarterback, oh well

"Congratulations Beast" I spoke to Ashton, my first words to him

He seemed taken back for a second but smiled

"That's not my name Angel" He smiled 

"That's not my name" I looked at him faking a stare but stuffed it up by smiling

"I'm Ashton, whats your name Angel?" He replied leaning back on his elbows in a lazy way

"I know your Ashton stupid, I am Brodie" I smiled 

I got this really giddy feeling in my stomach, what is happening

"Whats your real name?" He asked softly making me face my father quickly

"Only special people can know my name" I whispered positive he wouldn't hear me 

"I will find out one day angel" He replied looking back at my father

"If only" I said dryly

"Brodie Campbell?" Called my father

"Yep" I answered

"Centre position, good job this year" Dad praised

"Yes, centre" I pumped my fist

I heard a chuckle and look to my left seeing Ashton shaking his head

"What's so funny?" I asked

He looked at me and his eyes softened

"You look so cute when you do that, you look like a small child who got the cookies" He smile was lopsided and funny

"Well I did get the cookies I suppose" I shrugged looking at my father again

I looked behind him and saw group of girls walk onto the field.

I shifted uncomfortably and the sight of girls and begun to feel out of place and scared

Ashton must have noticed

"Hey, don't worry. Those girls are cool, actually each one of them has a boyfriend" He lightly punched my shoulder making weird tingles shoot up my arm.

I flinched slightly and gasped

"What was that?" I asked

"Um... static?" It sounded more like a question then an answer but I knew he knew something I didn't 

"Ya really" I sassed rolling my eyes playfully

"You are gonna keep us all on our toes" He mumbled

"Oh trust me, that's a promise Beast. I think we are gonna be good mates anyway" I chirped shrugging my shoulders and looking at my father who was still rambling off names

I turned to look at Beast who looked in a trance and looked as if he wasn't breathing

I shook his shoulders slightly

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