Nine’s eyes lit up. Eagerly nodding, she wagged her tail.

The Alpha yipped happily and started to bolt to the left. Nine’s instincts kicked in and she was off on the Alpha’s heels. They were equally match and Slade was more than pleased. Nine was perfect to be his Luna. She was the only Werewolf to match Slade in speed, strength and power.

She really was made for me, he thought with a soft smile.

Feeling her nip at his heels, Slade grinned and then picked up his speed.

“Let’s see you keep up now!” he teased through the link.

Upon hearing her growl, Slade let out a carefree howl. Together they ran, feeling their muscles flex and blood pump throughout their body.

Nine never felt so alive. So many new things she was experiencing that day. Never had she run so freely before. Smelt things. Seen new objects. She was finally living – just like Dexter said she would.

They reached a clear lake. It was one of Slade’s favorite spots, especially when he just wanted to spend time to himself.

Nine’s curiosity got the better of her as she began to play.

“There’s so much water!” she exclaimed to the Alpha who stood back and watched as she cautiously walked up to it and lightly dipped her paw inside. She twisted her head and looked excitedly at the male.

Slade chuckled at the way her tongue stuck of her mouth. Her childlike innocence was so adorable. Not wanting to be left out, Slade jogged to stand by her side.

Nine peered down into the water and saw small objects swimming inside.

“Are those fish?” She asked, eyes bright as she stared at them.

“Yes. Their a bit too small to go to the deep end, so they stay near the edge for safety from bigger predators.” Slade explained whilst gazing at his mate with a loving expression.

Nine barked happily and then peered to her right, “Look how big that rock is!” she gasped and ran up to it – Slade seconds behind her. “It’s bigger than me!” Nine jumped on top of it and looked around wildly. The boulder was in the shallow water but it expanded out near the deep end.

“Nine be careful! I don’t want you to fall in the water.” Slade said as the ever worried mate.

Barely listening, Nine continued on with her searching. “This place is so awe-awe-” she paused only to frown a little when she didn’t know the word.

“Awesome.” Slade filled in, becoming amused.

Nine let out a little giggle and Slade felt himself melt at his mate. Goddess, she had him so tightly wrapped around her finger.

“Right! Awesome!” She exclaimed, jumping down from the boulder to stand in front of him. “Wait.” She hesitated, her expression turned confused. “Awesome means good right?”

Chuckling, Slade nodded.

His mate perked up once again. “Hey Alpha Slade! Show me something else please!”

“You don’t have to call me Alpha. Slade is just fine.” He told her, hoping to hear her say his name again. Boy, did he love the way it sounds coming from her.  

Nine’s body changed to one of hesitance, making Slade puzzled.

“Not yet.” She whispered softly, looking at him with those huge cat eyes.

Not wanting to push her, he nodded and then began to lead her somewhere else. For the next couple of hours, Slade showed his mate different places in the woods, from the cliff side to the clearing with blossoming flowers. Nine was beginning to trust him and it showed whenever she would brush up against or lightly nip him to gain his attention, even though Slade never looked away from her.

Number 9: The Genetically Modified WerewolfOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant