Start from the beginning

She has no clue about her power either.

"You shouldn't talk to me like that. Last night was a... mistake." She settles her hand on my chest as if she's going to push me away, but her fingers curl ever so slightly into my shirt. Pulling me just a fraction closer to her.

Triumph surges through me. She can't resist this pull between us either. "You really think so?"

"I know so." She pushes at my chest so I have no choice but to look at her. She's not strong enough to get me to step back, though. No way am I moving from her yet. "We can't continue this."

"You want to." It's a statement, not a question.

"No I don't." But she's nodding as I lean into her, and when I brush my mouth with hers, the shuddering exhale she breathes against my lips twists up my insides. "Beyoncé..."

I love hearing her say my name, even if it's in protest. Because really she's not protesting. She wants this just as bad as I do.

"Just one kiss," I murmur against her lips, darting out my tongue to lick. The soft moan that escapes her is my answer, and I settle my mouth fully on hers, our tongues meeting, circling, tasting. I rest my hand on her hip, stepping into her, wanting to feel her.

The breeze sweeps over us, a shiver moves through her, and I slip my arms completely around her waist, tugging her lower body close to mine. Fuck Micaiah. Fuck anything else. I want to pull her into that bedroom, slam the door and keep her in the bed pinned beneath me for the next twenty-four hours.

It wouldn't be enough. But when it comes to Onika, I'll take what I can get.

A buzzing sound rings through my head as I continue to kiss her, lose myself in her. I slide my hands over her ass, groaning when she grinds subtly against me. The buzz gets louder, more insistent, and I break the kiss first, staring down at her, my breath coming in pants. "What is that?"

She blinks up at me, looking as wrecked as I feel. "I think it's your phone."

Shit. She's right. I can feel it vibrating in my jeans pocket. Yanking it out, I see it's a text message from Micaiah.

M:I gotta get back home. Meet me at the car.

"It's your brother." Damn it, I'm not ready to send her back to the city with Micaiah. I want to keep her here with me.

Like she'd ever go for it. She has a life. A relatively new career, friends-she probably has little time to spare, especially for me.

I'm delusional if I think I can make something between us work. Not that I want something real or lasting. A fling. That's all I want. And then there's the bet to consider.

You're really going to let a bet guide your decision?

I ignore the shitty little voice in my head.

"What did he say?" She licks her lips as if she's trying to get one last taste of me, and my dick twitches as I reluctantly step away from her.

"He's ready to leave."

"That's probably best." She pushes away from the railing, glancing to her left, looking at the tub that sits outside near the deck. "You never did explain the reason for the tub being outside."

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