Josh Returns!!

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[Authors Note: I AM NOT BAHJA. (omfg like for real) I am just #TeamOMG I never said I was Bahja sooo. And this is fan fiction, it's not real. Like EVERY OTHER FAN FICTION on wattpad, and do you know why? CUZ IT'S FICTION .____. ~~~~~ Have fun reading ;l ]

Babydoll's P.O.V

So we drove to Bahja's house. Well I drove not Bahja cuz she to lazy drive..Anyways I park the car and Bahja and I come speeding out of the car, up the staircase outside of Bahja's house leading to her front door. *KNOCK* *KNOCK* Bahja and I knock hard on the door soo hard like we were hobos begging for money.

Josh's P.O.V

*Grabs onto Star's waist and slaps her ass* *Hears someone knocking on the door* Who the fuck is knocking!

Josh: BOYS. Hold star and make sure she doesn't move

Who the fuck is knocking on the door at this moment. Isn't everyone at school. I don't go to school no more. I don't need that cray! Them white teachers and them being racist.

Beauty's P.O.V


*Someone opens the door* Babydoll and I stop banging but we feel scared as hell. It might be someone from Josh's gang or even worst, it might be Josh!!

Beauty: *whispers to Bre* I think we should leave beca---

Josh: Look what we have here. Bahja and her hefty friend.

Babydoll: *slaps josh's cheek* Don't call me hefty Nigga!

Josh is so disrespectful. Why would he just call Bre hefty like that. Ass.

Josh: I like hefty. Looks like someone is Team Thick and Curvy~~ I like that *puts hand out and tries to feel Bre's ass*

Babydoll: *Slaps Josh's hand and steps on his foot* YOU THINK YOU CAN PLAY WITH ME LIKE THAT!! BIITCH. FUCK YOU!

Josh: Why are you so harsh. Like yo! I can't show my affection of love?

[AUTHORS NOTE: For some of y'all who don't know the OMG Girlz nicknames. Bahja is Bee. Breaunna is Bre and Zonnique is Niqque or Niqque Niqque]

Babydoll's P.O.V

IS HE FOOLISH???!! He wants to show an affection of love right after he kidnaps star and somehow makes her his sex slave. I'm so sick of it!!


He looks at me with a confused face on. Maybe he's not listening properly.

Babydoll: I SAID WHERE IS STAR??!!

Beauty's P.O.V

Woah, never seen Bre act like this before. She's always so chill and calm. I think she needs some back up.

Beauty: Josh don't make me call the cops on you!! This is my house you know! And my mom will be back by 7:00pm!!

Josh: You're going to call the cops on me? *Says while he snickers*

Beauty" What's so funny? .___.

Josh: *Starts laughing hysterically* HAHAHAHAAA. You're going to call the cops on me? So what are you gonna say? *Tries to mimick Beauty* Hello 911, Please arrest the boy for having sex with me with my permission

Babydoll: *GASP*

Babydoll's P.O.V

Babydoll:You slept with him Bahja??!!

I cannot believe this. Is Bahja turning mad. She slept with this playa?

Babydoll: I can't handle this! Bahja what is up with you girl?! Is there something wrong? You know what, Give me Star right now, NOW JOSH!

Josh: Not until Shamra comes home. But if you don't mind you can join us.

Babydoll:Perv :P......................

Wait a second!! I know what I can do to help Star. I don't live in this home and I wasn't part of the plan so!! I CAN CALL THE COPS...... *brings phone out and dialls 9-1-1*

Josh: Hey you, what are you doing?

Damn he caught me..I have to do something. I lie and say---

Babydoll: I'm leaving...*I lie*


Lol the idiot actually thinks I'll leave Star like this, I walk down the stairs of Bahja's front door..

Beauty: DON'T LEAVE BRE..PLEEASEEE *Bahja almost starts crying*

I would've told her the plan but she deserves to suffer. Look at what she's done. Such a whore she is. What a slut! I get in my car and I drive right behind Bahja's house. Josh is gonna get exposed reeaal good.


Babydoll: Hello

Police Officer: Hello, what is the problem?

Babydoll: Well my friend, Zonnique got sexually abducted by a boy named Josh

Police Officer: I need details

Babydoll: ......Um,

Police Officer: Please if this is a prank don't bother--

Babydoll: NO, It's not a prank. Okay here's the story...A girl, I do not know her name (Another Lie) made a deal with a boy so he wouldn't expose her of something terrible so the deal was to lure my friend Zonnique into his trap so he can sexually abuse her due to past happenings so...

Police Officer: And where did this happen?

Babydoll: [Told police officer all the details e.t.c]

Police Officer: Okay, 4 police officers are on their way. Goodbye



Okay, please comment with an ":D" if you read the Authors Note and now it's time for.....QUESTIONSSS!!!

1. What do you think the police officers are going to do?

2. Will Bahja get exposed? 0_0 (even idk lol. Comment if you want "Yay" if you want her to be exposed or comment "Nay" if you don't want her to be exposed.)

Oh yeah..Starting from the next episode can some of the readers make a Banner (or poster) for every episode. Like 1 wattpad member makes a banner for the next episode and another makes one for the one after that e.t.c and i'll 100% dedicate it to you (the person that makes it) and i'll shout you out :) ;) :P sooo

Star: Blue Haired Thug (Omg Girlz Fan Fiction) ⭐⭐⭐Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora